When the chapter started the first thing I thought was “what would I do in this situation”? And my answer? To rush to the poop hole and get as much of my body into it as possible. On the next page it was like Ishihara was screaming to me personally to let me know a far less gross idea, to stop the roof through unity. Yet, that was not necessary, they were allowed to play and absolutely awful game. One that reminded me of Kaiji’s E-card due to the similar idea of something horrible coming closer to happening each loss.
I actually played along with his questions and so did my friend and it was fun. I would have gotten 2/3 of them right! Firstly, the question about if humans are the most superior living things seemed easy to me in a variety of ways, I hadn’t expected so many to get it “wrong”. I feel most logical thought would lead to saying yes, humans have more power than other known living things, they have rationality which those living things are lacking, and by the directors own words he refers to the children as dogs as of way to speak down to them. Their success would be transcending dog and becoming man.
The second question was more difficult. The first question of who is “we” was not answered, was it Japan or the world. Yet when it came down to it, the director is willing to kill groups of children because he thinks that they are not reformable and that kind of controlling with power logic paired with his line about wiping out populations and moments like having full trust in the police made me think that he would be an advocate for nuclear weapons. Interestingly both this question and last question was answered with responsibility in mind. If we slaughter animals we owe it to them that we own up to it and have some pride. Likewise, the director thinks that nuclear weapons are a sin of humanity, one we must take responsibility for and not run away from.
The third was absolutely awful. It was another trick question, he calls them dogs himself after all. I was thinking back to how he said they should answer sincerely and not lie, so I began to think “obviously they think they are humans so they should say they are”. However these other two questions were phrased like truth based questions, they did not care for sincerity. Ultimately I went by what he has said, he calls them dogs there for the answer is that they are dogs. This is the one I obviously would have gotten wrong because, despite everything, he wants them to believe in their human souls. Talk about awful but if he wants to break them down into mush to reform them it’s definitely successful.
Then after all of that, Gai did what I would consider the coolest action moment I've seen in a Fukumoto manga. He really is like a shonen hero. But before, it appeared that he got a wire from the hose. A hose that I did not expect to be there to begin with, for I didn't even expect a poop hole and it follows I especially did not expect them to have a tool to clean themselves. I've also never seen a hose with wires in it. So everything regarding how this occurred was quite shocking to me. But, that doesn't really matter because like I said, this was so cool. To enrage the director, fall backwards to dodge, swing his hand through the unoccupied hole near the director, set him up to get shocked, and then sacrifice his own wellbeing to shock him through his own body was insane.
I don't fully understand if he has something in mind beyond this, it doesn't look like he could force the stick into the hole completely and then use it himself, otherwise he could possibly use it to force the roof up. Next, they could just crush them all if they wanted to punish Gai especially hard, it's not like they need to open up the roof to get him which would then send everybody else running. Overall, the seems risky and I have to ask if it's just a small form of retaliation or if there’s something more. |