Genre: Cyberpunk, Science Fiction, Mecha, Action
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 (also known as BGC: 2040) is an alternate-universe spinoff of the original Bubblegum Crisis anime OVA series, with similar themes, but updated character designs and new or re-worked storylines.
AIC obtained the rights to the series when Artmic dissolved in November of 1997. Although the original series had not sold well in its initial run in Japan, it had done rather well in the US market of the early 1990s, being one of the earliest works of anime to be commercially subtitled there. The US anime-importing company ADV Films funded the creation of an all new Bubblegum Crisis. BGC 2040, as it became known, ran for 24 TV episodes and two OVAs (episodes 25 and 26). Due to personality conflicts with AIC staff and anger over their treatment in the original series, two key personnel from the original series - singer/voice actress Oomori Kinuko and character designer Sonoda Kenichi - refused to participate.
Bubblegum Crisis 2040 has many interesting technological innovations 'in the background', such as the skyhook. Near the end of the series, an event similar to technological singularity is shown.
In 2002, a direct sequel was announced: Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2041 by A.D. Vision, although no official announcements on the subject have been made since then.
Members: 25
Pictures: 3
Category: Anime
Created: Oct 11, 2007
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