Hello my name is Victoria, I am a collage student studying animation. I love anime, manga, video games, cartoons(American), animals, baking, cooking, and sleeping. My hobbies are baking, cooking, drawing, painting, playing with my pets, playing video games, drinking with my friends, role playing, reading, and swimming.
My favorite non-anime t.v/cartoon shows are family guy, American dad, courage the cowardly dog, animaniacs, freakazoid, legend of Korra, avatar the last airbender, spongebob, the fairly odd parents, Edd Ed N Eddie, adventure time, doctor who, once upon a time, heroes, x-men: the animated series, x-men: evolution, Batman the animated series, the Simpsons, penny dreadful, iZombie, Game of thrones, Law and order special victims unit, Arrow, N.C.I.S, and tuff puppy
I have three cats and five dogs. My favorite video games are: kingdom hearts, Rhapsody: a musical adventure, street fighter, tekken tag, soul Calibur, and Skyrim.
All Comments (129) Comments
Yeah, supposedly it's just a PS4 with better specs, along with the 4K support, but who knows if they won't treat it as a completely different console with its own library of games, which would've been pretty damn bad. After all, I remember how on the last E3 back in June Microsoft ended up bragging about their currently developed "Project Scorpio", which is already supposed to be a ninth generation console. Damn, just let the current generation get some games, instead of treating gaming like a Smartphone industry, with a new model every few months and barely any differences. Haha, so I'm not the only person disappointed in Nintendo's decision regarding the SNES titles on the 3DS, eh? :D Yeah, seeing both Paper Mario and Earthbound on the New 3DS only was a major kick in the nards to me, no Nintendo, I'm not going to spend even more money on a console which barely gets any exclusive games, with Xenoblade Chronicles still being the biggest release on this one, as every other 3DS release is still playable on the regular 3DS. As for the J-RPGs on the PS3, have you played NieR? That's definitely one of the best RPGs you can get on this console, it plays more like an Action RPG, but the story, characters and music are just wonderful. Especially the music. Definitely a game worth checking out, even if my personal reward for the finest J-RPG on the Sony consoles easily goes to the Yakuza franchise. The amount of care and content put into these games is just amazing, especially the fifth one, which took me somewhere around two months to get the Platinum in, and it didn't even have any grind in it, it's just that there's so much to do in this game. Aside of that, yeah, Vita is definitely a go-to console for every J-RPG fan, I'll probably end up buying it before the PS4, just to wait for any confirmation regarding PS4 Neo's library of games.
Haha, the funniest thing is that I'm most likely going to graduate without even knowing how does the interior of my University looks like :D The reason behind that is that the building is still being renovated so our lectures are being held in a small apartment building our University bought out for the time being. Never in my whole life I'd guess that after getting accepted into the University I wanted to attend I'd end up being its student without even taking a single step inside :D I mean, they're renovating the damn thing for over 3 years now.
Same here, I actually need to buy both VITA and PS4, even if I'm not sure if I should be in a rush to get the latter, because of the whole PS4 Neo thing - I'd rather buy a console once rather than having to swap it for a new model few months later. On the other thing though, I'm so badly in love with Bloodborne (I generally like the Souls games) that I kinda-sorta want to get the PS4 now. Decisions, decisions, eh? At least there's still a couple of PS3 titles I still need to play. As for Hyperdimesnion Neptunia, it depends. First things first, it's a VERY low-budget title, so it's quite rough around the edges, despite getting a little better with every new installment. While the original trilogy came out on the PS3, I'd say that if you own a VITA, the Re-Birth trilogy is generally a better choice instead, being an enhanced remake of the PS3 games. Especially when it comes to the original, which is a huge pain in the ass to play, to the point of the developers having to make the game from scratch in order to make the VITA version. Story-wise, it's a very simple plot focused on making references to the video game industry, with some hit-or-miss sex jokes as well. After all, it's a moefied portrayal of the console wars. To be honest, VITA is pretty much the main console of this franchise, as aside of the ports of the first three games, there are also multiple Spin-Offs on this console, including a Beat 'Em Up button masher by the creators of Senran Kagura. And just like SK, Neptunia also holds up only because of its likeable heroines, so if you can stomach a rather bland dungeon crawling with some grind to it, you can check it out, even if not expecting much is the best way to approach this franchise.
Haha, yeah, it's like with me and my father, he always wanted me to become a teacher after finishing my Philology studies, but I always wanted to be a translator specializing in written works instead. Well, at least me choosing the translation as my specialty during our courses finally made him realize that I'll never teach at school, it's just not something I'd like to do in life.
Yeah, I can only imagine how bad it can be - studying in a different city of your own country can take some time to get used to, but when we're talking about a completely different country... Well, good thing that I can wrap my studies up 20 minutes away from where I live. *laughs*
Guilty pleasures, eh? That would definitely be Senran Kagura in my case, even if it applies to the games more, rather than the actual anime adaptation, which was just generic. Same goes to Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Yeah, it really bugs me when people like my father are opposed to the whole idea of doing something you really love in your life as a job, instead of just sticking to whatever to pay your bills. Well, at least being an animator makes more sense in your country than it does in mine, because our animation industry hasn't seen any funds since the Cold War ended, therefore a lot of people here who want to become animators prefer to study in France, unless they don't mind working on a very shitty CG animation for the TV commercials :D
Yup, can't go wrong with the classics. As much as I'm not hating on the new shows because they're new or anything, it's hard to decline that the times before the corporate control over the media allowed for more personal messages being conveyed in the anime, along with the form the authors have chosen. Good old times of the anime not having to be 12-episode long advertises for the unfinished Light Novels, eh? :D Well, at least it makes you appreciate some really good modern anime even more, like Osomatsu-san, which is a shockingly good comedy.
By the way, I see that you've got The Big O on your PTW list, great choice, given that you liked Batman: TAS. It's a very similar show, being this very stylish mix of a simple genre being mixed with some deeper themes to it, despite the overall episodic formula, with the overall main plot showing up here and there, mostly in the second half. Definitely one of the best non-Gundam anime Sunrise have ever made.
Wow! Not in the city apartment i think, right?
Homu-chan best waifu! :D
In celebration of pride month, GL Addicts! is hosting a month long event with games, cards and prizes.
The event starts June 1st, and will close on the 30th with an awards ceremony. Please make sure to watch the event's main thread in order to participate and receive awards.
:: Games ::
Spin the Bottle Game: a truth or dare game where you will receive points for completing each round.
Daily Quiz Game: a new quiz will be added each day, each quiz that you answer correctly, you will receive points.
Hangman Game: guessing the correct letter and/or words will get you points.
Say It With a Song Game: a game were you reply to the above post with a song.
**Note: Event games are open for all members to play
:: Cards ::
Yuri pride card editions will be done in addition to the regular monthly cards.
:: Other Contests ::
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P.S.S We are in need of active card makers!
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