Information Everybody's favorite kick ass fire breathing motion sickness Fairy Tail character. Oh and we can't forget Happy too!
Natsu Dragneel is the main male character of the series. His partner is Happy. Natsu has a carefree and reckless nature and constantly bickers with other members of the guild. He has a competitive relationship with frequent teammates Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet; Gray tends to insult Natsu, prompting frequent skirmishes, while Erza, an S-class mage, represents a way for Natsu to prove how strong he is. Despite his reckless and headstrong nature, Natsu is a skilled tactician and pick up on an opponent's abilities and weaknesses very quickly. He is also vehemently loyal to Fairy Tail, and does not allow anyone to sully its name. Natsu suffers from motion sickness from all modes of transportation, including trains, carriages, and people carrying him on their back.
Natsu's nickname is "Salamander", and he is often recognized by his pink hair, scale-skin scarf, and fire magic. He was raised by the dragon, Igneel, who taught him how to talk, write, and use an ancient style of magic known as "Dragon Slayer". Due to using fire-related magic, Natsu can eat any flame other than his own for nourishment. He can emit fire from any part of his body. The size and power of the flame is a direct result of Natsu's mood, so when properly motivated in a battle he is recognized as one of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail. During the series Natsu consumes some Aetherion, captured in solid form in a magic crystal, which greatly improves his abilities; his skin becomes scaly, his speed increases, and the strength of his fire is greatly increased. Natsu's age is unknown.
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Category: Characters
Created: Jan 20, 2009
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