This is what I should call the official MAL Club where anything goes. Just a free to roam Club with nothing but fun contributions and activitys and loooaads more!(and for the heck of it go random and have a house party if ya have too) All this is connected to Anime/Manga and includes tons of stuff for you to do and contribute too. Unleash your inner Anime!
The Rules & Regulations are very specifc, it wont take much time to read em all. If any of these are violated you will receive a consequence for your immature actions.
1. Follow all Anime Club's Rules and Regultions!
2. No Flamming!I know this cant be sighted very easily but please if you see a Troll report that person.
3. No sexual content. Idk thats just a straight up rule from MAL's regulations. However you can talk about hentai just dont post anything porngraphic.
4. No Spamming! A lot of peope do this and it gets very annoying its almost being a Troll if you ask me.
5. Do Not ask me or beg me to become a admin of any sort. I do not give admin or mod positions just because someone begs the hell out of me or if someone followed all the regulations and supported them. I will choose those type of positions when I feel like it.
6. (Not required)Grammar Check. I know this is the lowest regulation to follow but please I think we are all old enough too know how to spell what your saying and how your saying it.
7. Have Fun. This is usually always the last rule ._.
So go and enjoy your inner Anime my friends!
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Claim a anime character :O Endei_Kaioko - Dec 2, 2008 |
1 replies | by Endei_Kaioko »» Dec 2, 2008 3:10 PM |
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Manga Contribution! Endei_Kaioko - Dec 1, 2008 |
6 replies | by Endei_Kaioko »» Dec 2, 2008 3:03 PM |
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Poll: Spam thread Endei_Kaioko - Dec 2, 2008 |
3 replies | by animeshowdown »» Dec 2, 2008 2:33 PM |
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Game Console Contribution Endei_Kaioko - Dec 2, 2008 |
9 replies | by TPO »» Dec 2, 2008 2:16 PM |
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Sticky: The Anime RPG thread Endei_Kaioko - Dec 2, 2008 |
0 replies | by Endei_Kaioko »» Dec 2, 2008 2:07 PM |
Members: 17
Pictures: 25
Category: Anime
Created: Nov 28, 2008
This is a public club. Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.