All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 62.8
Mean Score:
- Watching21
- Completed227
- On-Hold22
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch71
- Total Entries362
- Rewatched2
- Episodes3,705
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 6.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries21
- Reread0
- Chapters1,143
- Volumes119
All Comments (1099) Comments
So have you really no watched any anime for a few years? Or just not updating the list?
Given that your a LOGH fan are you at all optimistic about the 2017 anime? a trailer is suppose to be released in September, I bet it will be CG heavy, like tytania... I'm hoping IG gives it their best effort though.
Thanks mate, I'll borrow my friends copy of aria in a few weeks, I've been meaning to check it out for some time and I figure it's time.
Your from the U.K., cool what's the anime scene like there? do British anime fans not like how almost all dubs are American ( with a few exceptions) and by default have American accents, I'm curious if that's a common complaint in the British anime scene. Also I think it's neat that they get some physical release of shows that we don't get here in the states.
also do you recommed aria?
About force of reason, sound philosophy inevitably forces people to act from it.
And I'm always civil. It's the mentally ill people who aren't.
Metaphysics is contemplated or unknown reality that is guessed to exist outside the perception of sense. Maths and consciousness are not metaphysics; those are a rational model under logical space and a physical phenomenon respectively.
Stacy's IQ is clearly categorised. The nature of my interviewer's attitude was to elucidate sense and provide satire.
Mental disorder is severe and enduring mental illness. Mental illness cannot be equated to mental disorder because everybody battles mental illness and everyone doesn't have a mental disorder.
The most common means of justifying such a stance is that it concerns minority protection and a balance of rights -- that is, minorities are less able to enjoy the rest of the rights they are entitled to (because free speech is not the only liberal right) if hate speech is allowed and people partake in it. There is a second argument to be made qualified free speech is a more realistic right in terms of containment of unreasonable viewpoints and stability (the reproduction of a just society) -- if unreasonable viewpoints espousing free speech were allowed to promulgate unchecked, then we endanger the basis of our just and legitimate basic structure. In effect, and while I don't think you intended it, you make a strawman that you easily show is mistaken.
I think this is wrong.
About force of reason, sound philosophy inevitably forces enactments thereupon.
Thank you for your in-depth reply.