Information <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 285%;"><u><span style="color:#FF00FF">~Welcome to iTom's fanclub~<!--color--></span></u><!--size--></span>
<span style="color:#CCFF00">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<!--color--></span>
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<span style="font-size: 200%;">Tom is....<!--size--></span>
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....a <span style="color:#3300FF">15 year old boy<!--color--></span> who likes to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and to whomever he wants. <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">He enjoys seeing people who repecting his authoritah.<!--strike--></span> Tom lives in a place called <span style="color:#3300FF">Florida in the US<!--color--></span> which will be one day gone from this planet called Earth because of tidal waves, hurricanes, or extreme flooding or a combination of this(btw, EST time zone. GMT-05:00). As you can see, Tom's <span style="color:#3300FF">favorite anime character is Shana from Shakugan no Shana<!--color--></span> which brings us to our next point: Tom can some times be a jackass and get pissed off at you and can even say mean things to you without even considering your feelings. Or in short; a mindless, short-tempered, killing machine who shoots words of hate from his mouth(Goddamn, that's dangerous...if I was you, I'd stay away when that happens...). If you know Tom well, you might get a chance to see a picture of him. Random people have seen it and some might never get the chance to see it at all. If your still reading this(which you have wasted your time upon), you might also notice that Tom <span style="color:#3300FF">has no photoshop skillz whatsoever<!--color--></span> hence he is typing all of this. Which is actually pretty sad. But hey, not every <span style="color:#3300FF">Asian<!--color--></span> needs photoshop skillz. Because of this fact (him being Asian and other things as well such as: attitude, the way he talks and because he gets better grades than his classmates), he is disliked by many people. Many would disagree but really, who knows best other than himself? Moving on, Tom is actually a bit, if not much, slow (as in mentally). So don't expect too much from him. This, in a sense, causes his nasty, bitch ass attitude along with his split-personality(not bipolar). By now, you should see that Tom is a very pessimistic person. But dispite that, Tom does in fact enjoy helping people to a certain degree. But for some reason, Tom is a very cheap person. He doesn't spend his money even though he has some. Why, he doesn't even know. Before Tom changed his username to "iTom", he was known as "stingertomlam".
<span style="font-size: 200%;">Also....<!--size--></span>
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Tom <span style="font-size: 999%;">HATES<!--size--></span> school to his core. Tom uses <!--link--><a href="">this</a> and <!--link--><a href="">this</a> to explain why he hates it so much. If school was actually in a human form, Tom would cut off it's head, put in on a spike and show it to the world. But that also doesn't not limit Tom to: rip it's guts out and feed it to dogs. Cut off each and every limb from joint to joint and hang them on trees. Draining the body of all the blood and using the blood to paint the house with. And finally, detach all muscles, eyes, brain, etc. and set them on fire in the middle of a street to create a bond fire.
<span style="font-size: 200%;">But....<!--size--></span>
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can you whoop Tom?
<span style="font-size: 200%;">Unfortunately....<!--size--></span>
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Tom has guns hidden all over. They are his. Tom does errr....hunting, yeah, hunt with them.
<span style="font-size: 200%;">So really....<!--size--></span>
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you can't whoop Tom no matter how hard you tried.
<span style="font-size: 200%;">And....<!--size--></span>
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If your still reading, thx. =)
<span style="color:#660000">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:#00FFFF">Are you into technology, anime, figurines, chicks and indeed a guy? Check out <!--link--><a href="">Techsuki</a>. This site has all of the latest news about tech, reveiws and pictures of figurines and chicks, of course. Have you ever heard of MAL Updater? If you have, the programmer of MALu is connected with this site. Neat huh? If you have not heard of MALu before, go <!--link--><a href="">here</a> to find out more.
(WARNING: If you are indeed a female, it is suggested that you don't go to Techsuki. Unless you want to. Tom can't stop that. But be warned!!)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:#CC0000">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:#CC9900"><span style="font-size: 333%;">Accomplishments<!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<span style="color:#3300FF">Want your name here? Work hard and you could earn you name here in either: Pages of comments, member, officer/admin position, and more.<!--color--></span>
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Ways you could become an officer/admin...
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Officer - get your name on to the "Accomplishments" 5 times.
Admin - get your name on to the "Accomplishments" 10 times.
<li>50th member (<!--link--><a href="">zStorm_Dukez</a>) - 11/24/08
<li>100th member (Next person here) - ?
<li>50 pages of comments (<!--link--><a href="">Nijo</a>) - 11/11/08
<li>100 pages of comments (<!--link--><a href="">CCs_No1_Fanboy</a>) - 11/18/08
<li>200 pages of comments (<!--link--><a href="">zStorm_Dukez</a>) - 12/7/08
<li>300 pages of comments (<!--link--><a href="">zStorm_Dukez</a>) - 7/03/09
<li>400 pages of comments (Insert next person here) - ?
<span style="color:#336600">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<!--color--></span>
<span style="font-size: 250%;"><span style="color:#00FF00">AlWaYs UnDeR cOnStRuCtIoN...<!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<span style="color:#6699FF">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<!--color--></span>
<!--quote--><div class="quotetext"><strong>iTom said:</strong><!--quotesaid--><br>Women > Pie > MAL > Social life > Homework > Death > School<!--quote--></div>
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Created: Nov 4, 2008
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