Since I'm never online and since I'm far too lazy to actually make a worthy profile, I've decided to just write a small section about me to make you all know how amazing I am. Ahem. Continuing, I am eighteen, white, and apathetic about most things. I don't give that much attention to things and probably stop writing to you because of it. Unless you're awesome and you know it. Then I must've forgotten. I don't go on here much or watch anime anymore because I'm really busy. You pissing about it won't make me care or come here a lot more either. I hate tons of people, act racist, and love music. I hate insecects and love purple. It's the most marvelous color I've ever seen. I'm the type of girl who throws water balloons on you because I don't like your hair. Interesting, ain't I? I definitely love my waifu, Vio. She is so amazing. Unlike most people on this website. I lovee Jess, too. She makes me lol almost everytime I talk to her. Comments are cool, but messages from damn clubs are so annoying. I don't want to take part of your polls, get cards, or become more active. Stay the hell away. There are other people I adore, and you know who you are. Well, enough about my ranting. Comment or go away. Stay stupid and ditzy. See-ya.
All Comments (1986) Comments
I'm doing pretty good : D
About to enter my final year of High School and I'm eagerly anticipating going to college. I spent two weeks at this awesome Liberal Arts college and it's my goal to attend school there. : D It feels like the perfect fit!
How've you been all this time? I miss messing around on here and stuff like we did in my fanclub that you made me... which I deleted. It kind of died.
Sorry! >_<
Indeed, it's pretty hard to find time to watch anime while there are tons of other important errands to take care of ;_; (though i sure seem to have a lot of time to just randomly lurk on the internet...) You do your best!
Lately some pretty neat titles have been airing, so i have actually managed to follow (most of) them. Marathoning stuff from the beginning to the end at once is the best, though!
I guess it would be pretty cool to have Ryouga as dinner, dohoho.
Happy Birthday!
Oh i know the feeling, It's hard to find a series that keeps one interested till the end ;w; I usually try to pick 2-5 animus to watch every new season, but for some reason in the end i finish nothing..
And oh god, that would be horrifying x-D
Merry Christmas! :)
Indeed, even though I think it's an awesome scene (don't ask) it's kinda disgusting 'cause Shion's facial expressions are just ... ;__;
Hihii Rika is just awesomeness ♥
Yeah, figured I changed my name after being on hiatus for a month so no one would recognizes me right off the bat anymore~ =p
Christmas vacation~ <3
Merry Christmas~!
Oh and Merry Christmas right back at you. <3