The River ᴿᴾ

T H E   R I V E R  ᴿᴾ A 1x1 between Exit and Alice Lore | Characters
T H E   G A M E Near future. World inspired heavily by the Blade Runner Series. Noir. Crime drama. Mature. Story explores themes such as drug use, murder and sex. T H E   P R E M I S E 2105. Earth. California. An unlikely partnership is formed when an ostracized cop and the latest A.I.D.A. model designated "v4" are forced to put aside prejudice and place their trust in each other. As they work through strained relations, the two must come to terms with where they belong in the world and unravel the mystery behind a string of related murders. T H E   T I M E L I N E 2075. The population of Earth has ballooned beyond the point of sustainability. The world slowly suffocates itself on limited resources while nations wage war over scraps. 2076. A motion is made to colonize Mars. Extensive studies and expeditions, advances in technology and the greatest minds of exploration have deemed it a viable and suitable "second Earth". 2080. The first colonizing life-rafts arrive on the red planet using previously established expedition sites as base camps. Work is hard and a suitable workforce harder to find. There are few trained to survive the harsh environment that is another planet. 2091. A.I.D.A. v3 (Artificially Intelligent Demi-Organic Android) is manufactured as a low cost alternative for labor. Advertised to be twice as strong as any human with low maintenance requirements and lower upkeep. They eat less, waste less, work harder and are the first of their kind to "develop" their own personalities based on outside stimuli. An initiative in revolutionizing robotics to better integrate them in the general populace and allow them to be more productive. 2095. Work is disrupted when a large group of AIDA's erupt into violence across the budding colonial community. The fighting lasts for several weeks before military from Earth can arrive to quell the sudden uprising. A large number of AIDA v3's escape into the darker corners of Mars. The rest are captured, incarcerated and discontinued... as are those residing on Earth. 2105. After facing a decade of backlash, the company behind AIDA's conception releases AIDA v4. Physically inferior to their predecessor, although not by much, their defining difference is that of an "on and off" switch and "neuro-pairing". They retain the capacity to build upon what they learn however, they are neurologically implanted with commands that override all others and force them to obey. These commands are paired to one other individual meaning only one person can control them, not unlike a locked phone. To prove their safety, an AIDA v4 is assigned to the PDC (Policing Department of California) and becomes the sole custody of... you.

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Club Discussion
PDC Headquarters
Exit - Mar 21, 2018
19 repliesby Alice157 »»
May 3, 2018 10:22 AM
Sticky: Characters
Exit - Mar 19, 2018
2 repliesby Alice157 »»
Mar 24, 2018 9:16 PM
Greater Oakland
Exit - Mar 22, 2018
0 repliesby Exit »»
Mar 22, 2018 1:38 PM
Sticky: World Lore
Exit - Mar 19, 2018
0 repliesby Exit »»
Mar 19, 2018 8:15 PM

Club Comments
Alice157 | Mar 21, 2018 5:40 AM
Sounds good. Ill start working on it today since my first few classes are canceled

Exit | Mar 21, 2018 1:17 AM
@Alice157 Character skeleton is up though the ability thing I added is a bit wonky on the explanation. If it's confusing, let me know and I'll explain.

I'll have my CS up hopefully by tomorrow. Some more lore points filled in and a thread for RPing at the PDC Headquarters.

Exit | Mar 19, 2018 8:14 PM
Separate threads to cover broad locations then.

Alice157 | Mar 19, 2018 7:32 PM
The two that I've done here had them in separate threads but there weren't many places. But I think you can do it either way. Which ever is more convient

Exit | Mar 19, 2018 6:26 PM

I don't know how familiar you are with 1x1's on MAL. When utilizing a club, do you use different threads for different locations? Or do you just play through the entire story in one thread?

Alice157 | Mar 18, 2018 9:20 PM
Do you what you want with that. I don't care if its secret or private.

Setting wise everything seems fine to me. It comes across easily.
And no worries on time. Not like I'm in any sort of rush

And if anything comes to mind I'll be sure to let you know

Exit | Mar 18, 2018 9:08 PM
@Alice157 Almost tempted to make this private so people can wish they were playing with us.

Anyways. Next on my list is a character skeleton and a thorough description of the PDC Headquarters.

First, I know I suck with the acronyms. :P
Second, was thinking of placing it in Oakland? It's perfect. We both circle it and the city is both amazingly beautiful at times and incredibly dangerous.

We're starting there and as we expand I'll continue expanding on the world. My time is always limited so there's only so much I can do in one sitting and I wanted to get us going.

If there is a specific thing you want explained or if you want to add something please let me know and I'll kick that to the top of my to do list.

Alice157 | Mar 18, 2018 8:40 PM
Public lets any random people in
Private just give you a lot of request of random people to join
Secret is invite only and people don't know it exist unless invited in

Club Stats
Members: 2
Pictures: 0
Category: Other
Created: Mar 18, 2018

Club Staff
Exit (President)
Alice157 (Secretary)

Club Type
This is a private club.
Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.

Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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