Courage the cowardly dog

<div style="text-align: right;">Under constuction!<!--right--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" border="0"><!--center--></div> Courage the cowardly dog is about... yeah, you guessed right, a cowardly dog named Courage. He lives with Muriel Bagge, a kindly old Scottish woman, and Eustace Bagge, a grumpy old farmer. And together they live in the middle of nowhere. But creepy stuff happens in Nowhere. It's up to Courage to save his new home <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 150%;">Villains<!--size--></span><!--center--></div> <div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> # The Computer. Sarcastic desktop with a British accent. # Horst. Eustace's long lost brother. * Appears in: Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted * Shirley the Medium # Eustace's mother. A bald harridan of a woman. * Appears in: Mother's Day * The Sandwhale Strikes * Bad Hair Day * Scuba Scuba Doo # Mr Mouse. Oversized rodent. * Appears in: Forbidden Hat of Gold * The Mask * Stormy Weather # Shirley the Medium. A Chihuahua with spiritual powers. * Appears in: Shirley the Medium * The Record Deal * Curse of Shirley * Muted Muriel # The 3 Duck Brothers. Egg laying alien ducks with Liverpudlian accents. * Appear in: The Duck Brothers # Dr Vindaloo. Local physician. * Appears in: Wrath of the Librarian * The Transplant * Magic Tree of Nowhere * Muted Muriel # The Chicken From Outer Space. Alien poultry with attitude. * Appears in: The Chicken from Outer Space * Revenge of the Chicken from Outer Space * Son of the Chicken From Outer Space # The Banana. A black market racketeering Banana * Appears in: 1000 Years of Courage * Katz under the Sea # The Great Fusilli. A crocodile emprasario. * Appears in: The Great Fusilli # Benton Tarantella . Zombie movie director * Apears in: Everybody wants to Direct * Angry Nasty People # Erin Von Volkheim. Zombie movie directors sidekick. * Everybody wants to Direct # Cajun Fox. Fox with a taste for granny stew. * Appears in: Cajun Granny Stew # The Precious Adorable Loveable Duckling. A malevolent confused duckling. * Appears in: The Precious Adorable Loveable Duckling # Dr Gerbil. A Gerbil scientist who conducts experiments on humans. * Appears in: Human Habitrail # Dr Gerhard Von Orbison. A lonely doctor with a demented house. * Appears in: Housecalls # The Goosey God. A Greek God Goose with Godlike powers. * Appears in: The Gods Must Be Goosey # Randy the Robot. A large robot who just wants to wittle reindeer. * Appears in: Robot Randy # TV Reporter. The loud TV reporter from Nowhere News. * Nowhere TV * The Tower of Dr Zalost * Mega Muriel the Magnificent * Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted # Katz. A smooth talking red cat. * Appears in: Klub Katz * Katz Under the Sea * A Night at the Katz Motel * Katz Kandy * Ball of Revenge # Le Quack. Criminal mastermind duck. * Dr. Le Quack Amnesia Specialist * Le Quack Balloon * Nowhere TV * Ball of Revenge # Fred the Barber. Muriel's strange barber nephew. * Appears in: Freaky Fred # Jean Bonne. Porcine diner owner. * Appears in: Heads of Beef * Curtain of Cruelty # The Old Man. A mild mannered balding old man. * Appears in: Hothead * Katz under the Sea * Curtain of Cruelty # The Irish Policeman. Law enforcement from Ireland * Appears in: Curtain of Cruelty * Courage in the Big Stinking City # The Young Hooligan. Get out the way you fool! * Appears in: Angry Nasty People * Muted Muriel * Courage vs. Mecha Courage * Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog * Hothead # Schwick. A New York cockroach villan. * Appears in: Courage in the Big Stinking City # The Eggplant People. Vegetables who want to kill Muriel. * Appear in: Journey to the Center of Nowhere # Dr Zalost. A gloomy mad scientist who makes unhappy bombs. * Appears in: The Tower of Dr Zalost # The Snowman. Frozen snowgenius. * Appears in: The Snowman Cometh * Snowman's Revenge # The General and Lieutenant. Military intelligence gone wrong. * Appears in: Courage the Fly * Katz under the Sea<!--spoiler--></span></div> <span style="font-size: 75%;"><div style="text-align: right;">With love, Fred<!--right--></div><!--size--></span><!--center--></div>

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Club Comments
AkumaTenshi13 | Jan 14, 2012 7:02 AM
Yeah it did. The slaaaaabs guy was the freaking WORST. :P

Sajaho | Jan 13, 2012 3:59 PM
courage had some scary shit in it

BlackstarTheKid | Jan 13, 2012 3:55 PM
Holy Crap a club for my favorite show!!!
I was not expecting this! This is awesome!
(Even though this show scared the crap outta me when I was little and I watched it at night...)

Gayasiankitten | Jan 13, 2012 3:39 PM
And Courage lies dead in the ground, forgotten by all but his few true followers

Sajaho | Jan 7, 2012 6:31 AM
two years later....

yukio-chan | Jan 24, 2010 8:11 PM
i've watched this when i was young..
i love it really..X333

i cant imagine there would be a club for this show..^^

S_Kerrigan | Nov 23, 2009 1:24 AM
long time i dint see it, wondering if itplay on tv again. >.>
long time i dint watched my poor Tv lol

Gayasiankitten | Oct 27, 2009 11:41 AM
Welcome, Welcome!!

Club Stats
Members: 44
Pictures: 5
Category: Other
Created: Oct 19, 2008

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