All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 1,049.7
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed1,150
- On-Hold106
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch1,829
- Total Entries3,091
- Rewatched986
- Episodes111,770
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 582.0
Mean Score:
- Reading39
- Completed319
- On-Hold518
- Dropped33
- Plan to Read989
- Total Entries1,898
- Reread323
- Chapters36,477
- Volumes4,074
All Comments (1087) Comments
The long awaited Monster Girl Cup starts in a couple of days! Support your favorite Monster Girl and help her to win this fiery tournament!
Sorry for the very late reply. =( I've been preoccupied with work and projects lately that I haven't been on MAL for awhile now to check my comments and messages. =(
Sure you can affiliate my club if you wish.^^ You can use one of my banners if you like by clicking on the url on one of my banners on my main page of the club.
You mentioned in the club comments in your Utawarerumono Club that you were closing the club. Well I'm interested in maintaining and running it.
I got pretty bored and wondered If you'd mind if I changed the layout of Studio Ghibli club for a bit (like, for the rest of august).
Here is a preview of what i did :)