by historical definition, a salon is a gathering of people under a host who introduces a controversial topic for the crowd to debate. these salons were flourishing during the enlightenment when new ideas and beliefs were breaking through traditional values to allow people to form their own opinions and think for themselves. here at the anime debate salon, we debate disputed tropes, topics, ideas, etc from certain anime to further our understanding of what the creators were trying to achieve, or how the anime industry is benefiting or hindering from certain ideas.
anyone is allowed to join, it is important to have many opinions on a topic to achieve all angles of understanding. anyone who puts down or shames someone's intelligence based on their opinion will be kicked out. it is okay to disagree and debate a topic but not okay to bully or be straight up rude.
anyone is allowed to create a new topic. keep in mind the topic should be debatable, controversial or able to start and branch into many discussions. in your opening statement you can introduce your topic, talk a bit about it and why it is controversial, maybe even the history, the different points of view, and even your own opinion to start off debates. there are all kinds of topics to debate so don't be afraid of starting a new discussion.
some debate examples that will be used in the future:
● kill la kill: is it a feminist show?
● are basic ecchi harems helping or hindering the anime industry?
● is immediate pirating and online streaming of new episodes for western countries helping the anime industry or not?
● is there a change brewing for future anime?
● is the anime industry male-dominated? is it a good or bad thing?
● sword art online/attack on titan: does popularity = quality?
feel free to ask any questions here on the front page or to club officer, inexpensive (PM or profile comment is fine)
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Members: 6
Pictures: 1
Category: Anime
Created: Dec 22, 2014
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