Please is you love, like, or enjoy Jean Havoc come here! I personly love Havoc, along with Greed and can't get anough of him. I also love the guy who plays his dreamy voice, Mike McFarland!!
Jean Havoc is part of the close group of individuals who work under the command of one Colonel Roy Mustang. His rank in the Amestris military is that of Second Lieutenant.
Despite not an intellectual like his comrades, Havoc makes up for it with skill and strength. He's an amazing field officer, a great sniper, a good leader to his subordinates and a hard-working man (despite his constant complaining).
He was born someplace in the Eastern country side, which means he was close to the Ishval rebellion and the war that erupted against the Amestris militia later on. And that's what initially made him join the military academy, his desire to help people out himself.
It's presumed that he met his best friend, Heymans Breda (top of his class), in the military academy. They were later both recruited by Mustang while assigned at East City Headquarters. Breda holds his same rank.
Havoc is overall an easy-going man, nice to deal with and quite the woman fancier. He's also known to have bad luck with the ladies, due to cirsumstances out of his control, most of the time.
The man is one of the closest to Colonel Mustang, after Riza Hawkeye and along with Breda. There's lots of familiarity between them, with Havoc complaining about his boss all the time and Mustang teasing his subordinate about his endless bad luck. Underneath that there's loyalty and complete faith in one another.
Havoc is someone who'd do anything for the people he cares about, including getting out of the way if he thinks he's a dead weight to them. Of course, the feelings are reciprocal -- Mustang, Hawkeye, Breda, Kain Fuery and Vato Falman consider him not only a valuable comrade, but also a friend and would do anything for his sake.
Members: 67
Pictures: 13
Category: Characters
Created: Sep 11, 2008
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