My name is Azumi. You may call me Azumi or something close to that. =D
I LOVE ANIME AND MANGA WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING! I'm my schools Anime Club president for the second year in a row, and I love it. It couldn't be better. We watch all kinds of anime and read all kinds of Manga, so far I know the most out of everybody.
My Leaste Favorite anime would probably be Cowboy Beebop. I just don't like it, end of story. I don't really like much things with gundums either, but I LOVE Gurren Lagann. Gundums just arn't my type.
Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto would probably be my favorite. And I know a lot about them.
Anyway, back to me. I Am 16, almost 17, and I love animals. I have 2 cats, 3 dogs and a rabbit. Ummm, I guess I will add more about me later, I'm in class so I can't think straight, lol.
All Comments (10) Comments
Byeee, Kisuus ~
nice ava *_*
I like NAruto and FMA too.