Information This club has one goal, and one goal only:
Share the TTGL Love. Some people found TTGL to be overrated or not worth watching. Everyone who joins this club or is already in it knows this is not the case. TTGL in my opinion is the best series I have watched to date.
The following is taken from my TTGL Review:
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann can simply be described as the best anime that has been released ever. As Biased as it may sound, I cannot find anything wrong with anime at all.
The first episode of the anime does not really compare to the other episodes of the anime. Most of time in anime, you may or may not notice that it has it's ups and downs. In TTGL, there really isn't anything like that. One by one, Each and every episode builds up more action and fury.
The storyline for TTGL is definetly my favorite part of the anime. Everything in the storyline makes sense, there are no plot holes, and everything follows a sequential order. There aren't many flash backs which is also a plus. As the anime goes on, the main characters keep becoming more and more powerful. There isn't a single instance during the anime where a main character loses hope or loses faith in themselves. There however is one instance during the anime that really catches everyone by surprise. The event that took place was for the better though. It motivated the characters to push forward
You may think that the artwork is cartoony... but I say it does the anime wonders. I can't imagine TTGL in an animation style made by someone like madhouse.. it just compliments it perfectly. You may think it make the anime all cheery and bubbly, well there are plenty of bloody scenes and graphic depictions. One of my favorite parts was how some of the scenes looked hand drawn. There would be seriously high points during the show where the view would zoom in on a characters face that looked manga-ized while they were screaming or yelling. It just complimented the anime so well.
The sound. Very often you watch an anime and notice repeat sound effects and dialog. There is hardly any of that in TTGL. TTGL was broad casted in HD and the sound that is linked with it compliments it greatly. From the explosive action to the perfect timing with background music. There are a few times when the intro music starts playing and pumps up the hype for what is about to happen as well.
The Characters are epic. Maybe not my favorite part of the anime, however they are the best part of it. Half of the characters carry the cure for being emo. You simply watch them and you have to cheer them on while watching. They all play amazing roles in the anime. None of the characters are boring and they all kept me interested. I cannot see how anyone watching TTGL can grow to dislike any of the characters.
Enjoyment? This anime made me cheer at my computer and yell at high levels. As I said before, this anime can turn any emotionally upset person into a motivated hyperactive nusicance.
And last but not least...
Haters of TTGL are not welcome.
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Members: 74
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Category: Anime
Created: Jul 29, 2008
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