Dark Horse Manga

That should be obvious by now but what the purpose of this club is to talk about anything and everything that has ever been released by Dark Horse. If you enjoy any of the Dark Horse manga titles or you enjoy a movie based on one of them, then you should check this club out. There should be a little something for everybody who likes manga unless of course you are one of those Shounen Jump bitches who only like reading Naruto and Bleach. If you are one of those people just leave now before we expose you to the world and point and laugh at you. If you aren't one of these people and you actually like manga, yes real actual manga not the Shounen Jump crap, then you should join this club. Long Live Dark Horse!! (Now celebrating 20 years of great publishing.)

Club Members

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Displaying 4 of 4 topics | See All
Club Discussion
Favorite Dark Horse Manga Title
Scoe90 - Jul 4, 2008
21 repliesby -Mooners- »»
Apr 7, 2018 7:38 PM
Blade of the Immortal: An Anime Disappointment?
FALLEN101 - Jul 31, 2008
9 repliesby JP_rNr »»
Oct 17, 2010 11:29 PM
Have any desired licenses?
MillionsForks - Feb 6, 2009
0 repliesby MillionsForks »»
Feb 6, 2009 1:15 PM
Akira: Anime or Manga?
Scoe90 - Jul 26, 2008
7 repliesby wanderingron1n »»
Dec 17, 2008 7:09 PM

Club Comments
artyape | Jun 29, 2012 1:40 PM
they're good with facebook updates http://www.facebook.com/darkhorsecomics (also http://www.darkhorse.com/)

Danish | Oct 17, 2010 10:16 PM
Dark Horse licenses Drifters, new Nightow manga and next Amano book.

Yeah, we can all agree they didn't handle Narutaru well. I'd love to see a new release.

Duelistbluerose | Oct 17, 2010 8:23 PM
Hello everyone.
While I feel Dark Horse is great...... who else thinks that their handling of the series Shadow Star naru taru was pretty bad? I hope in the future they will re-relase it, uncut and uncensored?

irinthony | Apr 19, 2010 3:18 AM
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service is really wicked =] Must read!

MillionsForks | Jan 29, 2009 12:10 PM
I know how you feel, omnibuses are great. Hopefully it'll get some nice treatment.

Pirkaf | Jan 16, 2009 5:50 AM
Clover omnibus is sheduled for March 25!
I'm looking forward to this, omnibuses are damn good!

MillionsForks | Jan 6, 2009 7:55 AM
@Sorrow: Thanks for adding them.

On the Trigun manga, it starts out similar to the anime, but it really diverges off in a very different direction as it progresses (namely, in Trigun Maximum). Some of the characters are more fleshed out and play a larger role. Knives, for example, is much more prominent.

The manga is worth a read if you want to experience a different version of Trigun. Unfortunately, it can be very hard to follow sometimes; panel layout and design are Nightow's biggest weaknesses.

As for it being better than the anime, there are mixed feelings among the fans. Personally, I like it better. It's darker and more intense. It just feels more fleshed out than the anime.

Scoe90 | Jan 5, 2009 4:14 PM
@ Dominoes I added both of those. Also, I have my hands full with helping out with other clubs. Mainly, the Real Man Club so if any of you would like to take over lemme know I'll make you an admin right away.

Club Stats
Members: 81
Pictures: 7
Category: Manga
Created: Jul 4, 2008

Club Staff
MillionsForks (Secretary)

Club Type
This is a public club.
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