
<img src="http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb248/JTON_Ramen/Castlevaniabanner1.png" border="0" /> <strong><u>Consolevania</u></strong> • Castlevania • Vampire Killer • II: Simon's Quest • III: Dracula's Curse • Super Castlevania IV • Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun • Akumajo Dracula "Castlevania Chronicles" (Sharp X68000) • Chi no Rondo (Rondo of Blood) • Bloodlines • Dracula X (SNES) • Symphony of the Night • Nocturne in the Moonlight (Saturn) • Castlevania (N64) • Legacy of Darkness • Castlevania Chronicles (PS1) • Lament of Innocence • Curse of Darkness • Judgment • Lords of Shadow • The Adventure ReBirth <strong><u>Handheldvania</u></strong> The Adventure • Belmont's Revenge • Kid Dracula • Legends • Circle of the Moon • Harmony of Dissonance • Aria of Sorrow • Dawn of Sorrow • Portrait of Ruin • Dracula X Chronicles • Order of Shadows (Mobile) • Order of Ecclesia <strong><u>Arcadevania (and other amusement)</u></strong> • Haunted Castle • Castlevania: The Medal • Castlevania Pachislot • The Arcade (light gun style game) <strong><u>Cancelledvania</u></strong> • Castlevania: The Bloodletting • Castlevania Resurrection • Symphony of the Night (Game.com) <img src="http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb248/JTON_Ramen/Castlevaniabanner2.png" border="0" /> <span style="font-size: 120%;">Castlevania Lords of Shadow (PS3,360) Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth (wiiware)<!--size--></span> <!--link--><a href="http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3174606">Castlevania Lords of Shadow announced for PS3/360 by Kojima Productions</a>

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Club Discussion
Favourite Castlevania Character?
AlcholicA - Nov 2, 2009
7 repliesby ThunderAzoth »»
Apr 5, 2016 3:27 AM
Favorite Castlevania game!
Kuronoa - Jul 4, 2008
21 repliesby ThunderAzoth »»
Apr 5, 2016 3:23 AM
First Castlevania game...
770312 - Oct 24, 2008
9 repliesby ThunderAzoth »»
Apr 5, 2016 3:18 AM
Ayami Kojima's art thread!
Kuronoa - Aug 23, 2008
3 repliesby momo_53191 »»
Nov 13, 2012 5:23 PM
Castlevania Adventure ReBirth
Doabarrelroll - Jan 8, 2010
0 repliesby Doabarrelroll »»
Jan 8, 2010 9:35 PM

Club Comments
Zillion5 | Aug 23, 2022 2:13 PM
hey guys, whats up

certainmiracle | Dec 9, 2017 9:55 PM
I love Castlevania.

7_Grey_Bullets | Dec 10, 2009 7:24 PM
yea aria of sorrow i will remember and portrait of ruin i think u have to cause the sisters said i can't open this pathway to continue without vampire killer

Dremark | Dec 9, 2009 7:24 PM

Unless i'm mistaken, you don't have to beat the whips memory in order to beat PoR. IIRC I didn't and managed to beat the game anyway as it just unlocks the Vampire Killer.

Also in Aria/Dawn of Sorrow if you're having trouble with a boss you can just level up until you can win. LoI had no level system but you could back track and get all the HP Max upgrades and max out your inventory with healing items.

YoungVagabond | Dec 8, 2009 11:09 PM

So in other words, you would take Looney Tunes over any adult television series/movie, and then, when people express confusion, respond "yeah, damn right it's simplistic and generic...but that's what makes it BETTER."

Well, alright then.

7_Grey_Bullets | Dec 8, 2009 10:47 PM
um castlevania curse of darkness is the one i really liked i loved the innocent devils and the weapon variety's it was the only castlvania i beat and on LOI i got stuck on death.......... and portrait of ruin I'm stuck on whips memory and um that one were u play as the dude with the white hair who absorbs souls that becomes different powers i'm stuck on the final boss on that one.........

Dremark | Dec 8, 2009 7:55 PM

Personally, I wouldn't say Curse of Darkness was bad, but it was lacking in a lot respects. They tried to improve and build on what LoI did but other than ditching the real time item system everything else seems to be a downgrade, especially the camera system. And yeah, the areas were big, and it took forever to get through them, especially when the game made you backtrack.

I did like the story and characters a lot, especially St. Germain as you mentioned. I'm looking forward to him showing up again in other games as it was heavily hinted that he would.


OoE takes place sometime after SotN and PoR takes place during WW2 IIRC. If you go on Wikipedia you can view a timeline that shows where all the games fit in.

Ni_Go_Zero_Ichi | Dec 8, 2009 7:42 PM
Yeah. What I appreciate is that Castlevania is pretty upfront about the "fantasy" part. It's not trying to be realistic and it's not trying to be Hollywood. It's a fantasy story. I'm not attacking the narratives of Fallout and Bioshock, because I haven't yet played them - I'm sure that, on a strictly literary level, they are superior to Castlevania. That doesn't necessarily mean I'll find them entertaining - in fact, I could easily find them pretentious and overbearing. And I never said Call of Duty had a simplistic story. Castlevania has a simplistic story; that's why it's memorable and engaging. Call of Duty doesn't. Call of Duty tries to be big and thunderous and Hollywoody, but the end result is that I really got nothing, story-wise, out of playing those games that I didn't get (in much more entertaining form) from watching Team America: World Police. In fact, the storylines for both Modern Warfare games are basically like non-humorous versions of that movie, that take themselves dead seriously.

What you're saying about Metroid, Zelda and Castlevania is entirely true. The story is made to fit the game, not the other way around. It's just that they do that really, really well. They provide a strong story foundation into which the player can insert themselves, and from there the players can interpret the story context as they see fit. It's their own story. I myself read a statement by a developer once - I believe it was the fellow behind Prince of Persia - to the effect that "the real story behind games isn't the one that's told within them; it's the story told by the players themselves. 'So I was on level 25, about to clear the boss! And then came... the ASTEROID."

Hey, look, we're getting right into the "story-in-games" argument that I specifically said I didn't want to pursue here. Let's look back at where this is all coming from for a second: I said I didn't like that Lords of Shadow is ditching the traditions that defined the last decade of Castlevania games. You thought I was talking about some other game (Adventure Rebirth, I'm assuming, since you mentioned a 2D platformer) and went one step further to suggest that I didn't understand the nature of games, that I have insufficient knowledge of the Castlevania series, that it is strange or foolish that I enjoy the Castlevania games' storyline, and to mention how the games you happen to like are so much better. I responded, thus igniting this ongoing debate, though I'm starting to wish I hadn't.

Look, how's this. You can PM me if you want to continue the "story in games" debate, something I'd be totally willing to do. But if you want to have a decent discussion, I suggest you check your 'tude at the door. Confrontational sarcasm will get you nowhere in life, unless you're Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. In which case, why aren't you funnier?

Club Stats
Members: 99
Pictures: 9
Category: Games
Created: Jul 2, 2008

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