Information MAL GAR HAS ENDED! Thanks to everyone who took part in it! It's been a long, long time since this has started, and truthfully I'm glad it's finally over.
Here are those who placed highest:
<span style="font-size: 150%;"><em>First Place</em>: <!--link--><a href=""><strong>Hei</strong></a><!--size--></span>
<em>Second Place</em>: <!--link--><a href=""><strong>Kamina</strong></a>
<em>Third Place</em>: <!--link--><a href=""><strong> Claire "Vino" Stanfield</strong></a>
<em>Fourth Place</em>: <!--link--><a href=""><strong>Ladd Russo</strong></a>
<em>Fifth through Eighth Place <span style="font-size: 80%;">(no order)<!--size--></span></em>: <!--link--><a href=""><strong>Sakata Gintoki</strong></a>, <!--link--><a href=""><strong>Alucard</strong></a>, <!--link--><a href=""><strong>Roronoa Zoro</strong></a>, & <!--link--><a href=""><strong>Simon</strong></a>
<strong><span style="font-size: 120%;">MAL GAR includes as many male characters as we could think up from Anime which aired between April 1 2007-March 31 2008. (Going with the seasons!)</strong><!--size--></span>
This is a contest to find the most "Gar" character. Wikipedia defines Gar as "a neologism on many anime communities, originating from," but that really doesn't help us, now does it.
<strong>What is Gar?</strong>
<!--quote--><div class="quotetext"><strong>windy said:</strong><!--quotesaid--><br>Better def of GAR: "A term used towards male characters and individuals who are so overwhelmingly manly that your own masculinity is absolutely *buried*, leaving you naught but a whimpering, swooning girl-child before them."
Yay :D<!--quote--></div>
<strong>What the rounds will look like:</strong>
<img src="" border="0">
<strong>Other Important Info:</strong>
-Round 1 Match 1 will be on Saturday, April 5th at 11:00pm PST (meaning Saturday night, haha)
-Each Match will be 24 Hours long, starting at 11:00pm PST
-There will be a day break between each round (and a bonus round!)
-In the event of a tie, the characters will get a separate round to settle the tie. If it was a one-on-one match, the round will be extended for 24 more hours.
-Please do not vote after 24 hours, and <strong>please only vote once!</strong>. Cheating will <strong>not</strong> be tolerated. Creating multiple accounts is childish. This is supposed to be fun!
-Please refrain from writing anything else while voting (and please refrain from trying to distract/confuse the counters. Your vote will be discounted if the counter cannot understand who you voted for).
-Please, if you count, please keep the results to yourself. If you find an error in counting, please PM me.
<!--link--><a href=""><strong><span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size: 200%;">MAL GAR Discussion Thread</strong><!--color--></span><!--size--></span></a>
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Members: 95
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Category: Characters
Created: Jun 14, 2008
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