Elitist Animanga Debaters of MAL
This club is, by virtue of being, going to attract elitists. I personally try to be open to others' opinions, but that doesn't mean they suck any less. So feel free to send a join request, which will be responded to with a prompt to ensure that you have a reasonable understanding of anime, manga, or associated subjects. This being a debate club means a firm understanding of the English language is preferred, but so long as you can get your point across, I will tolerate language barriers for the sake of discussion.
General rules: Don't be a piece of shit. Manners go a long way, and while discussions are expected to get heated, name-calling is unnecessary, and also, we aren't idiots. Baiting is just as likely to get you kicked out. Let's be civil, even in these uncivil times (Meganebu!? Dear lord, kill me now).
So go forth. Mingle. Argue. Debate. Let's get somewhere though.
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Members: 9
Pictures: 0
Category: Anime
Created: Jan 12, 2014
This is a private club. Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.