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History of fortissimo//Akkord
fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier is a Japanese 15+ visual novel developed by La'cryma, the same company that made True Tears, Sora o Tobu, Mittsu no Houhou and Sora wo Tobu, 7tsu Me no Mahou, and Circus, well-known for their Da Capo games. It was released for PC on September 30, 2010. Its 18+ limited edition (the same game with an ero artbook) was also released on the same day. fortissimo serves as an incomplete product as the ending left the readers at a cliffhanger and there were no voices at all.
On March 31, 2011, a more completed version of fortissimo titled fortissimo EXA//Akkord:Bsusvier was released on PC with its limited edition. fortissimo EXA serves as a finished product for the original game with the completed story and added voices for all the characters. One week later, La'cryma released a patch for the epilogue of fortissimo EXA's ending, named Ein Re-Encounter. This epilogue differs as it depends on which of the four heroines (Sakura, Sayuki, Momiji, Miki) your choices led you to.
Around one year and three months later, an 18+ version titled fortissimo EXS//Akkord:nachsten Phase was released on PC. This version added in H-scenes for all the main and side girls in the game. It also added in 2 new routes, Ahorn der Flamme (Momiji) and Schnee Kristall (Sayuki), while keeping the main route, Ein Kirschenbaum (Sakura). This version introduced one new character and two alternate versions of two existing characters: Kuri Himeshiro (new), Loki, and Schwarz Ritter. La'cryma included in the 3 new openings for each of the routes. They also incorporated Ein Re-Encounter as an unlockable scene after you unlocked everything in the game (scenes, CGs, BGM, glossary).
A new version, titled fortissimo FA//Akkord:nachsten Phase, was set to be released in December 20, 2013. This version is an all-ages version of fortissimo EXS, and a new OP was shown as a PV for this version. According to La'cryma, you would get a set of 81 cards for their new NEXT/ZERO card game they have been promoting, an artbook, titled [Ein Schlachtfeld], containing fanart for the La'cryma Quest competition, and an additional game disk. These items were bundled with the game.
A direct sequel, titled Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo, was developed by both La'cryma and 5pb. Kadenz fermata was set to be released in December 11, 2014 for the Playstation Vita. The limited edition included a soundtrack CD and an 11-cm metallic paper knife. The pre-order bonus was a costume code for the game to allow some characters in the game to wear different costumes from the science adventure series (Chaos;Head Noah, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes, Chaos;Child).
On April 23, 2015, La'cryma tweeted on their Twitter account that fortissimo EXS//Akkord:nachsten Phase was getting a re-release as a Popular Edition and Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo was getting its long awaited 15+ PC release. These releases were to celebrate La'cryma's 10th Anniversary. The release date for the fortissimo EXS Popular Edition was stated to be released on June 26, 2015, as well as the PC Edition of Kadenz fermata on February 26, 2016. Kadenz PC's limited edition will include a 100-page 18+ artbook for fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier and Akkord:nachsten Phase titled [Betrachten der Kirschblüten], a vocal soundtrack CD containing all OP/ED/IS used in fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier and Akkord:nachsten Phase, a drama CD, and a card with a serial code to add in additional scenarios and CGs that were not in the PSV version. In addition to all those bonuses, La'cryma will also be bundling a card with a serial code to download La'cryma's other game "Sora wo Tobu, 3tsu no Houhou" as part of their campaign.
tl;dr Version:
Timeline of fortissimo//Akkord:
September 2010 - Akkord:Bsusvier: Disaster of a release. Incomplete story that leaves the readers on a massive cliffhanger and no voices whatsoever. The only good thing about this release was the ero artbook, but even that was in grey-scale, which was a disappointment.
March 2011 - EXA//Akkord:Bsusvier: Fully completed story. Every character, including the protagonists, were voiced and new CGs were added. A patch was released around one week after EXA's release date to add in an epilogue to the story.
June 2012 - EXS//Akkord:nächsten Phase: Full release with all three routes (Sakura (aka EXA's route), Momiji, and Sayuki) with three new characters. Two of them only appear in one route. Ein Re-Encounter, the epilogue scene that was previously released as a patch for EXA, was fully incorporated into EXS as an unlockable scene if you fully completed the game and got every single scene, CG, BGM, and glossary.
December 2013 - FA//Akkord:nächsten Phase: Definitive 15+ rerelease of EXS that removes all the H-scenes from EXS, as well as censored some of the non-H CGs with nudity in them.
December 2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo: The official sequel to EXS/FA released for the PSV console.
June 2015 - EXS//Akkord:nächsten Phase: Re-release of EXS at a discount price as part of La'cryma's 10th Anniversary.
February 2016 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition: Kadenz fermata ported to PC as part of La'cryma's 10th Anniversary. The limited edition is bundled with a patch to include new scenes and CGs in the game.
fortissimo EXA//Akkord:Bsusvier Description
Reiji is a typical student on the remote southwest island of Tsukuyomi-jima. However, due to an unexpected event where his life was in danger, he awakened as the 13th magical summoner. After summoning the spirit and magical super-weapon Sakura, she gifts him with the special ability "Da Capo", which allows him to summon anyone who he met in the past 24 hours or reverts items back to its previous state (up to 24 hours ago). Now they must participate in a battle they cannot avoid.
(Source: craneanime)
fortissimo EXS//Akkord:nachsten Phase Description
New phase of La'cryma's fortissimo. Contains three new routes for the main fortissimo heroines: Sakura, Sayuki Kurobane, and Momiji Satomura with h-scenes.
Moreover there are three new characters: Loki, Schwarz Ritter (Black Knight) and Himeshiro Kuri.
(Source: craneanime)
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Description
It is not the end (fermata) to this story of battles.
In order to bring upon “justice”, a special force under the direct command of an organization was formed across the border. Its name was the “Seventh Chord”. Having excelled in manipulating magic (rune) in combat using her life force and living in secret from society, Freya was the only girl who has shown excellent results as a knight.
Freya was summoned to the island of eternal summer, where she was born and raised, by Julius, Seventh Chord's commander and her elder brother who she reunited with after being separated for a long time, for her first mission. And that mission, was said to have never been accomplished in history; it was to “defeat a mythical god”. Although it was handed down as a legend before, the "God" that was subdued was revived in this present day and age once again.
After analyzing the "abilities" of these mythical gods, the organization created the “strategic creation technology weapon” to fight against them. This ultimate scientific weapon, known as “Miracle”, was handed down to Freya, to challenge these mythical existences to a fight.
The enemies have transcended human intelligence, and their immortal existence has the ability to recreate the "powers" of a mythical god. The seven “Mahoutsukai”.
The seven people who gathered in the name of justice. The "Kisekitsukai" of the “Seventh Chord”.
Ultimate Science (justice) vs. Mythical Magic (another justice)
A fight that no one had expected. Before long, the truth will begin to lead one to a sad fate.
Mission Rank: SSS-Class.
The seven knights were gathered to cut open the impossible fate, and set foot into the unexplored stage of humanity that will slowly become a holy war.
(Translated from Main Website)
fortissimo//Akkord Characters
Main Characters
Normal Side
Battle Side
Side Characters
Normal Side
Battle Side
Akkord:nachsten Phase New Characters
Ein Re-Encounter Characters
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Characters
fortissimo//Akkord PVs
fortissimo EXA//Akkord:Bsusvier 5 Minute PV
Other PVs for fortissimo//Akkord
fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier Visual PV
fortissimo EXA//Akkord Bsusvier PV
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PVs
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Character PV: Kiseki Side
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Character PV: Mahou Side
Other PVs for Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Teaser Trailer
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo World Introduction PV
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Battle Tutorial PV
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo TV Commercials
fortissimo complete best album PV
fortissimo//Akkord Openings (In Order of Appearance)
Grand OP: Shinteki Souzou by Yousei Teikoku
OP1: fortissimo -the ultimate crisis- by fripSide
OP2: Asgard by Yousei Teikoku
Ein Kirschenbaum (Sakura): fortissimo -from insanity affection- by fripSide
Ahorn der Flamme (Momiji): Kuraki Sekai no Doukoku by Yousei Teikoku
Schnee Kristall (Sayuki): LOST GARDEN by No Life Negotiator
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Openings (In Order of Appearance)
Grand OP: Eigou Shinri no Fermata by Zwei
Kiseki Side OP: fermata ~Akkord:fortissimo~ by fripSide
Mahou Side OP: Owari Tsumugishi Mono by DenKare
PC Edition OP: Finest Crusade by Meiko Nakamura
Click on the spoiler tag for older news!
07/25/2013 - fortissimo FA//Akkord:nachsten Phase release date revealed (10/25/2013) 10/11/2013 - fortissimo FA//Akkord:nachsten Phase release date delayed to 12/20/2013 11/23/2013 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo announced!!! To be released in 2014. 12/20/2013 - fortissimo FA//Akkord:nachsten Phase released! 12/26/2013 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Website and Teaser Trailer released 02/14/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Special Valentine Key Visual released on main site 03/13/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo World Introduction PV released on main site 06/12/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Website updated with key visuals and 3 character bios 08/08/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Website updated with 13 new character bios, story synopsis, and system 08/14/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo OP "fermata ~Akkord:fortissimo~ confirmed to be sung by fripSide 09/11/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo release date revealed (12/11/2014) 09/12/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Character PV announced to be shown at TGS 2014 09/22/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Character PV: Kiseki Side released on main site 10/10/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Kiseki Side OP and CG Gallery released on main site 10/18/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Battle Tutorial PV and new CG released on main site 10/31/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo main site updated with twitter icons and wallpapers 11/11/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Battle Trial Version out on Japan's PSN 11/14/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Character PV: Mahou Side released and CG Gallery updated 11/15/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Grand OP "Eigou Shinri no Fermata" confirmed to be sung by Zwei 11/18/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Story Trial Version out on Japan's PSN 11/19/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Website updated with 13 new character bios 11/28/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Mahou Side OP released and CG Gallery updated 12/04/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Grand OP released on main site 12/10/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo TV Commercials released on main site 12/11/2014 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo released!!! 01/28/2015 - "Eigou Shinri no Fermata" Single released 02/20/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Official Artbook released!!! 04/01/2015 - fortissimo//Crazy Psycho Les Official Website Up 04/23/2015 - fortissimo EXS//Akkord:nächsten Phase Popular Edition announced to be released on 6/26/2015 04/23/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition announced to be released on 7/31/2015 04/27/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website released 04/29/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with info on Kadenz 04/30/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with info on fortissimo 05/01/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with info on differences between Vita and PC 05/03/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with story synopsis 05/08/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with Regular Edition cover art 05/15/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with all three PSV openings 05/25/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with 4 character bios and CG samples 05/27/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with 4 new character bios and CG samples 05/29/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with 4 new character bios and CG samples 05/31/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with 9 new character bios and CG samples 06/04/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with 7 new character bios 06/12/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with info on the Limited Edition 06/12/2015 - fortissimo EXS//Akkord:nächsten Phase Popular Edition Website released 06/22/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with info on the store pre-order bonuses 06/23/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with a PV for the fortissimo complete best album 06/26/2015 - fortissimo EXS//Akkord:nächsten Phase Popular Edition released! 07/08/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with update on the store pre-order bonuses 07/10/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with more store pre-order bonuses 07/14/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition release date delayed to 10/30/2015 07/22/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with Limited Edition cover art 07/29/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo New PC OP "Finest Crusade" confirmed to be sung by Meiko Nakamura 09/01/2015 - Kadenz & fortissimo Character Popularity Vote Begins 09/06/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with Viewpoint Movement Tutorial 09/07/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with Space-Time Movement Tutorial 09/07/2015 - Kadenz & fortissimo Character Popularity Vote Intermediate Results Announced 09/08/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with Smartphone System Tutorial 09/11/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with FF.OBS Battle System Tutorial 09/14/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with EXS Battle System Tutorial 09/15/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with FA Battle System Tutorial 09/15/2015 - Kadenz & fortissimo Character Popularity Vote Ends 09/16/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website added Gallery page (Freya, Mikoto, Alicia, Julius) 09/18/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Irmfrid) 09/18/2015 - "Finest Crusade" Single released 09/20/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Faust) 09/21/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Yuria Part 1) 09/22/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Yuria Part 2) 09/23/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Rudra Part 1) 09/24/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Rudra Part 2) 09/25/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Reiji Part 1) 09/26/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Reiji Part 2) 09/28/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Sakura Part 1) 09/29/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Sakura Part 2) 10/06/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Ryuichi) 10/09/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website Gallery updated (Nagisa) 10/15/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition release date delayed to 12/18/2015 10/29/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition OP released on main site 11/19/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with info on the PC Limited Edition's 18+ artbook 12/07/2015 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition release date delayed to 02/26/2016 02/16/2016 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition Website updated with info on the PC Limited Edition's append patch 02/26/2016 - Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo PC Edition released!!! Websites
La'cryma Official Website
fortissimo and fortissimo EXA Official Website
fortissimo EXS Official Website [NSFW]
fortissimo FA Official Website
fortissimo EXS Popular Edition Official Website
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Official Website (PSV)
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo Official Website (PC)
fortissimo and fortissimo EXA VNDB Page
fortissimo EXS and fortissimo FA VNDB Page
Kadenz fermata//Akkord:fortissimo VNDB Page
fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier Wikia
Other Sites:
fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier April Fools Official Website
fortissimo//Crazy Psycho Les Official Website
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Members: 47
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Category: Games
Created: Jul 25, 2013
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