Information <div style="text-align: center;"><strong><em>-PLOT-</strong></em>
On December 22nd, 2012... history was made and the eyes of the Real World were opened as Data/Matter based lifeform of monstrous proportions crosseed over from the Digital World and began to absorb and Convert Matter from all the major cities on the planet into its Data/Matter Army of Minions. This thing was named DigiVoid and it would stop at nothing from destroying both Worlds.
Fortunately, at this time Tamers in the Tokyo area were already ware of this threat and with in 24 hours of its appearance it was defeated by 2 creatures the media named 'Digimon'. These 'Digimon' were a War Greymon and a Black War Greymon, brothers whose Tamers were brothers as well who were merged and uploaded with a Viral Vaccine that broke down and defeated the DigiVoid.
The War Brothers, vanished shortly after that and no more information on Digimon was released to the public and even though the destruction from the DigiVoid was massive... soon Digimon and the whole concept of the Digital World faded away as nothing more than an Urban Legend.
It is now 8 Years later (2020), and all along through the years Digimon have been secretly been crossing over into our world and random Tamers have been dealing with them and each other. Even more secretly an organization known as Thoth has been monitoring them, but they are even considered among Tamers as Urban Legends.
Cities all over the world were rebuilt such as Tokyo 2.0, London 2.0, New York 2.0, Paris 2.0, and etc. with all the latest technology and power sources. Internet powerhouses so to speak...
So, the secret wars have thus continued as both worlds soon will need to be saved by a chosen one... a DigiDestined if you will. The question is not how... but only when.<!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><em>-Epic Theme Song-</strong></em><!--center--></div>
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<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><em>-Vocab-</em></strong><!--center--></div>
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Tamer- The Human element in partnership with a 'Partnered' Digimon, they use Digivices to Convert Data and Matter to and from their Digimon for Digivolutions.
Partner- A Tamed Digimon in a Partnership with a Human 'Tamer', the Digivolve through Data/Matter Conversion.
Wild One- An untamed wild digimon, many are violent and dangerous going by their primary instincts to fight and become more powerful. But not Wild Ones are excessivively violent, some are more intelligient than others and they seek to live their lives in peace.
Digimon- The most common 'lifeforms' found throughout the Digital World (DW), they are massive bundles of loose data, that have maifested as AIs. Some are infected with Virus or Vaccine programs that allow variants and species to develop. A Digimon in the DW seeks only one thing: Data. The more Data a Digimon has the more powerful it will become. To gather Data they can consume 'raw' Data or they can absorb Data from defeated enemy Digimon. Once enough Data is absorbed some Digimon may cross over into the Real World and may wreak havoc there. But some are bond with Humans, and said Humans may become Tamers.
Digivolving- The process of asecnding 'levels' through evolution fueled by Data. Some Digivolutions allow you to skip levels, this is called 'warping'
Data Pockets- Raw Data that can be consumed for more power for a Digimon, or if left alone it can gather with Data Pockets and create a Digiegg (Digitama)
Digivice- The primary and most useful piece of equipment for Tamers, it has a variety of uses: It allows Data/Matter Conversion, it can store a Digimon Rookie (Child) level or lower inside, it has a Radar that detects Digimon and Tamers (Red is a Wild One, Blue is a Tamed One, Yellow is a Tamer, Green is your Partner, White is yourself), and it carries a Digmon Analyzer that records and shares info on Digimon and can be used in battle for information on the fly, it can be used for creating a Tamer's Digitool, and it can be used as cellphone. Digivices appear when a Human and Digimon become partners, usually it was a Cellphone or a Handheld Game Console that was trasmutated into its current form.
Digitool- A Digitool is a weapon, armor, or equipment created through the use of Data/Matter Conversion to be used by a Tamer for combat purposes against other Tamers or Digimon. Every Tamer can create only ONE type of Digitool and all Digitools are made out of Digizoid.
Digizoid- An unbreakable 'metal' made out of data, different colors have different properties
Digimental- A symbol or core of a Tamer's personality that defines their relationship with their Digimon or fellow Tamers
Data/Matter Conversion- The most important factor in a partnership between a Digimon and its Tamer. Humans by nature have an excessive amount of Data, where is Digimon only need very little of it to survive in the DW. It takes huge amounts of Data (Information in general) to create atoms, molecules, macromolecules, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and the overall organism. So humans themselves are complex beings, but raw Data levels vary from adults to children. Children are still growing, so they have not used up all their Data yet and this Data can be shared with a Digimon partner to allow it to temporily Digivolve to higher levels and larger forms. Adults can have Dimon, but only if they've been partnered with said Digmon since they were kids. This Data/Matter Conversion also applies when Humans and Digimon crossover from the RW and the DW, Humans can break down into Data and comeback again just like Digimon... but all of this can only be possible through the use of a Digivice
Digital Field- When a Digimon or a Human crosses over from teh DW to the RW, a massive greyish cloud is created as Data converts molecules and atoms in the area into proteins and whatnot to recreate or create bodies for the Humans or Digimon.
Levels- All Digimon can Digivolve, there is a Ranking system for this: Digiegg (Digitama), Baby (Baby I), Training (Baby II), Rookie (Child), Champion (Adult), Ultimate (Perfect), and Mega (Ultimate). Some special modes may appear from time to time with certain Digimon, so keep an eye out.
Digiegg(Digitama)- Simply put its an egg, all Digimon were once born from eggs. When a Digimon is defeated in battle and its Data is NOT absorbed. Its remains will recycle themselves and reform as an egg and start anew.
Fusion- Also called 'Jogressing' and 'Xrossing', its when 2 or more Digimon combine together and create and all new Digimon.
Synchronization- A phenomenon that occurs when high levels of Data are taken from a Tamer andd given to his/her Digimon. Both the Tamer and Digimon can 'feel' each other, everything from emotions to physical pain can be shared through the Data/Matter Conversion process
Merging- When Synchronization is high enough, an even stranger phenom occurs between the partners: The tamer is ABSORBED by the Digimon and the 2 fight as 1 person. After the battle, in most cases the 2 separate again.
DigiVoid- The Data/Matter based monstrosity from 8 years ago, it was a strange hybrid between the both of them that originated somehow in the DW and had cross over into the RW and appeared in all the major cities on the planet and had consumed most of the cities on its rampage of creating its hivemind of Data/Matter Minions. Fortunately, it was defeated by the War Brothers
The War Brothers- A tamed War Greymon and a tamed Black War Greymon that were merged with their Tamers were uploaded with a Viral Vaccine Progam that broke down and Deleted the DigiVoid and supposedly saved both Worlds. However... the Brotehrs were never seen again after that, and Digimon over the next 8 years were considered urban legend because goverment coverups and the mysterious organization known as 'Thoth'. As such, Digimon became the ultimate 'hoax' and they slipped out of the public's and the media's eye.
Thoth- The organization that secretly monitors both Worlds and can track Data/Matter Conversion phenomenons on both sides. Thus tracking both Tamed and Wild Digimon as the appear.
DigiDestined- A loose term to define Tamers who are to be 'chosen ones' who are to save both Worlds... an Urban Legend.
Digital World- The world just beyond and within the Internet and the World Wide Web. It is a matrix with a myriad of 'windows' and 'doors' for those who know where to look and as long as they have 'keys' to enter through them into it.
Real World- Our World, the original one that created the DW accidently with our rush to create more and more Data and technology. We are the creaotors of an entire race of beings... and our World doesn't even know it.
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