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Nov 3, 2012 4:29 PM

Apr 2011
Just outside of the Downtown area and not far from the Docks is the Warehouse District and the Industrial Park

Most of the Factories and Storage Places around here are sill in use... but some are home to strange beings both human and not.
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Nov 3, 2012 5:03 PM

Jun 2011
Fairymon landed securely,after making sure Rai is steady on her feet."This way~!" she pinpointed,as the duo made their way towards the shabby warehouse were Lunamon and Ia are.
Nov 3, 2012 5:09 PM

Feb 2011
"Allright Lunamon you know what to do" Ia said to her.Lunamon gave a mock salute and step outside where 3 Gazimon were waiting outside.Lunamon didn't waste time as she flick her arm three time one fore each of them.They didn't even stand a chance as they were all slice in half.She then turn around for the next challenge when she saw a tamer and Fairymon were heading toward them."Hhhmmmm should I take them out?" she wonder to herself.
Nov 3, 2012 5:25 PM

Jun 2011
Fairymon got in a defensive stance;she didn't got the chance to say anything,though,as a strange digimon appeared out of the shadows."Fangmon." Rai supplied,the digivice now in her hand (she had time to retrieve it after they dropped their purchases on the way - yay for open windows).Fairymon nodded.
"Hurricane Wave!" she called,striking the enemy-mon with her petal wind.Taking advantage of the stun,she advanced rapidly."Tempest Twist!"
Nov 3, 2012 5:49 PM

Feb 2011
"Hey now Don't go taking my digidata!" Lunamon yell " Tear Shoot! shooting ball of water at Fairymon.
Nov 3, 2012 5:54 PM

Jun 2011
Fairymon dodges.Raichou scoffs."Your data?" she sneers,"Bitch,please.The data ain't belonging to anyone." she says,crossing her arms over her chest."Fairymon!"
"On it!Hurricane Wave!" Fairymon says,as she is sending a hurricane towards Lunamon,while Fangmon lays defeated,already fading back to the DigiWorld.
"What kind of an insane idiot brings consciously wild Digimon into the real world,anyway?"
Nov 3, 2012 6:03 PM

Feb 2011
Lunamon smile devilishly "You don't know anything why don't you just leave then i won't have to delete you as well"Lop-ear Ripple! bubble rose from ground and the air to surrounded Fairymon, completely blocking them from view.Lunar Claw! sending claw of darkness at Fairymon.
Nov 3, 2012 6:12 PM

Jun 2011
Fairymon spun,releasing Hurricane Wave around her to shield her from the incoming attack.Rai suspiciously disappeared into the shadows."Action." she quietly commands;Fairymon is visibly surprised."Hai." she responds,and flees the scene together with her master.
"Remind me again,why are we running?Coulda've took her down." at this,Raichou smirks.
"Because the kid with the Impmon is coming.It's his territory.And since he didn't took my warning seriously,why not let him deal with this shit?"
Fairymon sighs,partly at her tamer's logic,partly at the crude vocabulary of the young girl.But then again,if she wasn't blunt and crass,she wouldn't be Rai...and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Nov 3, 2012 6:26 PM

Feb 2011
By the time the bubble died down the girl and Fairymon had disappeared "That weird" looking around the light started to come back on one at a time "What the?" Lunamon wonder to herself when Ia came out of the warehouse "It's ok Lunamon I turn the light back on"
"What why?!" Lunammon ask her."Had we keep going on we would had attract to much attention" Ia answer her "And beside that was all the data you need,head inside you know what to do".Lunamon nodded her head and headed inside while Ia stood outside waiting.What was happening inside would not take long.
Nov 3, 2012 9:23 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki arrived finally on the scene, Impmon was out of his Digivice. Yuki had to actually look at his Digivice to find out info and said quietly "Looks like that Fairymon Tamer is fleeing... and another Tamer probably the one we met earlier today with some Wild Ones"

Impmon rounded a corner with Yuki behind him, he saw the Tamer and her Digimon and said with a smirk "Well there..."

He then Digivolved to Devimon and said "... Mind if we crash this party? I'm STARVING!"
Nov 4, 2012 6:22 AM

Feb 2011
Ia was mildly surprise, she knew that she and that other girl would not be the only tamer in this place but she didn't expert the boy who threw the can at her earlier to be a tamer."Hurry up Lunamon I'll stall them if needed" Ia told Lunamon who quickly disappear into the warehouse.
"So what are you two doing here?" Ia ask the kid calmly while thinking "I wonder how Lunamon is going to compare to Devimon".
Nov 4, 2012 7:19 AM

Apr 2011
"WE could ask YOU the same question" said Devimon, flexing his claws and looking rather menacing

Yuki stepped forward and said with little emotion "There were half a dozen Wild Ones here a few minutes and that coupled with the massive power outage a few minutes ago... I have ask: Did you create a Digital Gate?"

A Digital Gate was another term frequently mentioned online, a 2 way doorway between the Real World and the Digital World.
Nov 4, 2012 7:58 AM

Feb 2011
"Tch I guess there no point in hiding it" shaking her head Ia answer him "Yes I created the Digital Gate, I was the one who brought all those wild one over" then she said menacingly "And it would be best if you don't pry anymore."
Nov 4, 2012 9:42 AM

Apr 2011
"Tsk Tsk" said the Devimon "This all became our concern once we picked up on it... and I'm not one to ignore a meal once I sense it..." Devimon licked his lips excitedly, the only thing this guy loves more than eating cookies is absorbing Data. If this girl found someway to bring his meals to him, he wasn't gonna let such an opportunity pass by so easily.

Yuki tilted his head and with sad smile said to his Devimon in a small voice "Go for it"

With that, Devimon launched himself forward towards the Warehouse bypassing the girl Tamer in the process...
Nov 4, 2012 10:10 AM

Feb 2011
Suddenly the bright light burst from the space and nook of the warehouse and something burst from the rooftop of the warehouse onto the path of Devimon.Ia smile "Took you long enough Lunamon or should I say Lekismon"
Lekismon then toss something small to Ia.Instinctively she reach out to catch it with her left hand only to pulled it back from the spasm pain of her hand.Gritting her teeth she reach down to pick it up.It was her Digivice.Ia then turn one last time to Yuki "Now then one last chance I have no quarrel with you but if you persist then we will take you down".
Nov 4, 2012 1:14 PM

Apr 2011
Somewhere far above the two in the cover of the darkness the clouds created hovered Dorugamon and Himeko, watching the scene unfold before them.

"Hmmm... Seems like there's one less to deal with now, Hime," Dorugamon said as he watched Fairymon and her Tamer retreat from the scene. He had taken up the habit of calling her Hime, or Princess, the shortened version of her given name. "And it looks like they've opened up a Digital Gate as well. Plan of action?"

"It seems like they've got their hands full for now," she said as she saw a burst of light burst from the warehouse while straddling a spot on Dorugamon's back between his neck and wings. "I'm more concerned about the Digital Gate. We don't want it to spawn more Wild Ones as it could endanger the citizenry if left unattended. But, if they can take care of it, then we won't have to interfere. For now, we will keep watch."

"Roger that," Dorugamon replied. "Well, I kinda hope those idiots knock each other out so that we can collect all that data for ourselves..." It was wishful thinking but, hey, who said he couldn't wish?
Nov 4, 2012 3:55 PM

Apr 2011
"Go for it Devimon!" said Yuki a little louder than usual

"Razor Wing!" yelled Devimon who stopped midflight to flap his wings awkawrdly harder than normal to fire a pair of thick red laser beams at the Lekismon.
Nov 4, 2012 4:53 PM

Feb 2011
Lekismon didn't dodge the beam rather she took them head on.After the smoke clear Lekismon stretch her hand to Devilmon Moon Night Bomb! small bomb explode around Devilmon covering surrounding him with smoke.
At the same time Ia pulled out a knife and gripping it with her right hand tackle Yuki to the ground "Thing wouldn't have to be this way!" Ia yell bringing the knife down on Yuki throat.
Nov 4, 2012 5:05 PM

Apr 2011
As Yuki landed on his back with the girl on top of him, he rolled bakc on his shoulders and kicked her HARD in the stomach. They rolled together head over heels, with him on top, the hand holding the knife held down by him holding her wrist on the pavement and him now with his Digitool in his hand... A Bastard Sword (longsword) with black balde with the tip poined at her throat.

"I'm he kinda guy who prefers to be on top, thanks" he said drily with his murderously cold eyes.

Meanwhile Devimon and his own enemy were concealed from one and other in the foggy mist created by her. Devimon narrowed his eyes, licked his lips, and said "Death Claw!" and both of his hands fingers glowed as he swiped the smoke surrounding him leaving glowing red trails in the air as he attmpted to lacerate Lekismon.
Nov 4, 2012 5:52 PM

Feb 2011
"Tch Sorry but I don't roll that way" Ia breathlessly told him.Faster then he could react she had her finger warped around his neck, she then try to choke him but the more she try to choke him the more pain course throughout her arm and the pain was evidenced on her face and the fact that that Yuki was not feeling any pressure on his neck.
Meanwhile Lekismon in the smoke decide to go hand to hand combat with Devilmon as well dodge his claw and yelled out Moon Night Kick! which cause her leg to shimmer and send out pulse of energy randomly in the smoke.
Nov 4, 2012 6:29 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki without feeling any remorse or caring that she had a bad arm/hand... he sucker punched her with the pommel of his sword in the forehead hard enough to make the back of her head bounce of the concrete. Yuki said "That was a warning punch... next one will be your nose if you don't yield bitch"

Meanwhile Devimon skillfully dodged the energy kick, and lunged forward in the direction it came from saying again "Death Claw" in an attempt to tear her to pieces
Nov 4, 2012 7:30 PM

Feb 2011
Ia was quiet for a minute collecting her thought before yelling out "Lekismon hold!" instantly Lekismon stop what she was doing, drop to the ground and folded her arm.
Ia sigh in defeat "So what do you want?There must be a reason why you didn't just kill me so what do you want?"
Nov 5, 2012 3:57 PM

Apr 2011
"One" said Yuki with his cold voice "We need to close that damn gate... no need to attract unwanted attention from civilians or whatnot"

"Two, Your gonna tell me why and how you made this gate" he said staninging and pulling her up as well by her good arm but still pointing the blade ate her abdomen

"And three... your not going to like three if you don't comply with one and two, got it?" said Yuki his eyes narrowing and his tone taking an almost impossible sadistic tone.

Meanwhile once Lekismon stopped moving, Devimon grabbed her from behind and held her in a bear hug with his unnaturally long arms saying "Don't move... otherwise my partner down there will show that bitch his sword from the inside"
Nov 5, 2012 4:09 PM

Feb 2011
"Tch fine but first we got to the terminal inside that warehouse" nodding her head to the warehouse where she had came out of earlier."After that I'll answer your second question".
Nov 5, 2012 4:19 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki nodded and followed... but he kept the his blade resting on her shoulder as they walked, so as to remind her that he could lop her head off if need be.

Devimon remained where he was with Lekismon in the air
Nov 5, 2012 4:34 PM

Feb 2011
"And with that I stopped the gate" Ia said after the final input of code into the computer."Now then on to your second question but first" Ia was silent for a moment before spinning around "Promise me that you won't hurt Lekismon" tear flowing down her eye.Without warning she stood out of the chair and bury her face in his chest "Please promise me that you won't harm her" she said through her sob "She the only one I have left".
FockfearNov 5, 2012 4:42 PM
Nov 5, 2012 4:59 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki's blade still rested on her shoulder, he turned his wrist a little with a little hesitation and perhaps consideration he said with a merciless tone "I will make no such promise... now TALK".

Yuki held his Digivice in his other hand, so as to communicate with Devimon if need be

Meanwhile, Devimon still holding Lekismon, sniffed the air and listened intently and whispered to Lekismon saying "Do you smell that? There's a Digimon above us... and a human?"
Nov 5, 2012 5:20 PM

Feb 2011
Left with no further option Ia wipe away her tear and practically yelled at him "Fine I'll tell you why I open the gate,It was to get revenge on Thoth that right Thoth.There are you happy now?!With the rampage of wild one Thoth would have to appear sooner or later and we would had been there!".

"Yea I notice it too but I didn't get around to tell Ia" a minute pass before Lekismon ask Devilmon "What do you think they're doing in there?It's doesn't take this long to turn off a gate".
Nov 5, 2012 5:25 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki said "Thoth? You actually believe there's a THOTH? Its just a bloody rumor little girl, I've been a Tamer for over 6 years now and have killed almost a hundred Digimon both Wild... and Tamed" his face switehc from menacing to mocking in an instant.

Devimon ignored her question at first and said "Shhh... I'm still debating between eating you or the stranger up there... then again I could still eat you both and have room left over probably for cookies..."

Devimon blinked and then said "Why are they taking so long you say? Yuki is probably getting his kinky on or something..." he winked at the Lekismon in a not so friendly way.
Nov 5, 2012 5:39 PM

Feb 2011
Casting her eye downward in defeat Ia silently said"No I know they are real and I will destroy them.So what was your third thing that you wanted?"

Lekismon meanwhile had this to say with a smile "Welllllll all I can hope for is that he won't go to far"
FockfearNov 5, 2012 6:29 PM
Nov 5, 2012 9:04 PM

Apr 2011
"Hime, a couple things," Dorugamon said. "One, it looks like the Digital Gate has been shut down. Two, it seems like we've been noticed. The Devimon down there tensed up slightly and was sniffing the air."

"Alright," Hime said as she lowered her goggles over her eyes from the top of her head. "Let's go then. Head up through the clouds for cover and then off towards home."

"Roger that," Dorugamon replied, doing as he was told. As they rose above the clouds he spoke once more. "But man, that chick got messed up," he commented with a snicker. "That guy was all 'Not today bitch!' and then POW right in the face! You see that? Her head bounced. Off concrete. That must have been one hell of an impact. I'm surprised that she didn't end up with a broken skull or at least get knocked out."

Hime frowned slightly at his excitement. "You know, violence isn't always the way."

"Yeah, but it's often the easiest way. Everything understands, respects, and fears violence, it's just whether or not you approve of it. Anyway, what's for dinner?"

"Nothing for you if you keep up that attitude," she replied, her frown deepening- she knew that what he said held at least some truth. "I was thinking of making katsudon tonight."

"Sweet!" Dorugamon exclaimed as he licked his chops in anticipation. "Extra meat and eggs for me, please!" He sped off hurriedly under the cover of clouds and night for his prized food.

Nov 6, 2012 3:29 AM

Apr 2011
"I don't give two damns about your supposed 'vengeance', or whether or not there's a 'Thoth'... but I still give a damn about the innocent and good people of this city. Double standard? Perhaps, but I don't give a damn about that either. You have a pair of good legs, a strong and will, and one of the best friends you can ask for you dumb bitch *he points behind him, towards the sky*. So shut up, destroy this gate, and you'll never have to deal with me again. Because the next time you pull any shit like this, it won't be the back of you head bouncing off the concrete but your insides. Do I make myself clear?" sad Yuki, possibly having the longest monlogue or lecture he's made in a very long time... in a less colder than usual voice, but he still had his dead eyes.

"Hmph" said Devimon "I hate 'fast' food" as he smelled his prey fly away...
Nov 6, 2012 4:48 AM

Feb 2011
"Yea I understand" Ia answer him.She turn around to input the final code to destroy the gate"There it's done now then...did you hear that?". They both stop what they were doing to listen and sure enough there was just briefly but surely the sound of footstep echoing "You did come here by yourself right?".
FockfearNov 6, 2012 5:23 AM
Nov 6, 2012 6:35 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki listened and said "I hear nothing but our own heartbeats, and my dinner calling... so if you'll excuse me. Devimon and I will take our leave and you will not start this shit again... clear?"

Yuki had already returned his sword to his Digivice and began to turn away saying to Devimon over it "Party's over... let's get some dinner"

And up in the sky, watching the warehouse Devimon nodded tohimself and released the Lekismon and said "Keep your nose out of trouble... or I'll have to eat it" and he flew down to the ground to meet up with Yuki.
Nov 6, 2012 7:15 PM

Feb 2011
Ia didn't answer him and just silently watch exit.She just sat there and silently sob to herself hugging her knee.Silently Lunamon enter the room and without saying anything just silently hugged her."Let get out of here" she finally said to her.

Nov 6, 2012 7:50 PM

Apr 2011
Devimon dedigivlved into Impmon and saw Yuki exit intact. They stood and looked at each other and slowly grinned. Normally whenever they met a volatile Tamer like that... things never seemed to go as smoothly as things did tonight.

With that they went home...


but unbeknownest to everyone... Thoth was there and they were watching everything
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