This club shall be for people to post there favorite romance anime and debate over which one was better and so on.

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Desperately in search! Help please!
DeyPaiAlly - Aug 2, 2013
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Aug 2, 2013 3:20 PM

Club Comments
Dood55555 | Apr 9, 2013 10:29 PM
WHOO Date A Live is an anime i loved the manga but it ended suddenly so well awsome!

MilesEdgeworth | Aug 11, 2012 9:18 PM
Ah I see.

Well I haven't watched that one but from the recommendations it seems Gurren Lagann is at the top. And regardless I would definitely recommend that, it's personally my favorite anime and just awesome in general. Kinda like Eureka Seven but with more manliness and over the top action.

ReavingDeath | Aug 11, 2012 1:11 PM
sry i ment vandread iv watched cardfight vangaurd and i messed up the name

MilesEdgeworth | Aug 3, 2012 8:24 PM
Cardfight Vanguard? Haven't seen it but I've heard of it. From the looks I would think that it's similar to stuff like Yugioh, Duel Masters, Bakugan, etc. But I can't be positive since I never did watch.

Hm, hard to say what my favorite genre is. Truth be told I'm fine with almost any, though I find that I really like action, dramas and psychological stories a bunch.

ReavingDeath | Aug 2, 2012 8:42 PM
Thanks ill check out those u listed oh and have you ever seen vangaurd if so do you know any similer to it? Whats your fav. Genre so i can tell you some good ones iv watched

MilesEdgeworth | Aug 1, 2012 12:10 AM
Ah I see.

Hm, rom/com is a genre that I haven't gone into very much but I have seen a few. One that comes immediately into my mind though is Acchi Kocchi. It's more comedy oriented but there's a touch of romance that helps to add to the amusing events throughout. If you're familiar with Lucky Star then it's kinda similar to that, overall I liked it.

Another one I really liked was Baka and Test. First season revolves heavily on comedy and the sort of plot purpose of the main characters, second season is more open ended, allowing for character development and romance progression so there is some good balance. Definitely recommend it.

Regarding to Upotte, I've finished it and I'd say it's pretty good but not a super amazing one. Overall I'd give it about a 7. Worth watching but not the best thing out there.

ReavingDeath | Jul 31, 2012 11:49 PM
sry i havent had any time to use the pc i just finished up a couple animes iv been watching im looking for a romance/comedy anime this time any suggestions? iv seen upotte before i think on crunchyroll but the desc didnt look good so i never watched it tell me how it is when ur done

MilesEdgeworth | Jul 26, 2012 9:12 PM
Well I'm keeping up with a few ongoings from spring but besides those I've started Upotte. Weird concept but it's okay so far.

What about you?

Club Stats
Members: 10
Pictures: 13
Category: Anime
Created: Jul 21, 2012

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