Sexy Voice and Robo is an unfinished manga series by Iou Kuroda. Even though it is only two volumes long, it quickly sets itself apart from other seinen slice of life.
The story starts with Nico Hayashi, AKA Sexy Voice, a fourteen year old girl who dreams of being a spy when she grows up. She works at a <!--link--><a href="">telephone club</a>, fooling men into thinking she's just another customer, and then sweet talking them so that they will continue to subscribe to the Telekura. It also doesn't hurt that she's able to figure out all she wants to know about her clients just by the sound of their voices.
When an elderly mafia boss overhears one of these conversations, he becomes interested in her talents. She helps him out, and slowly becomes embroiled in a hidden world of intrigue and espionage.
Despite all this, the manga is rather lighthearted. It deals with subjects that most would consider depressing, but Nico's talents, quick wits and unfaltering determination always serve to pull her through, and her verve pervades the manga.
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Members: 14
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Category: Manga
Created: Mar 19, 2008
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