Information <span style="font-size: 200%;"><span style="color:pink"><strong><div style="text-align: center;">Welcome to Fangirl Paradise! Home of the exotic otaku. Grand opening special: Join now and get a bonus 500 cash to spend on the anime men of your dreams!<!--size--></span><!--color--></span></strong>
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<strong><span style="font-size: 125%;"><div style="text-align: center;">Fangirl Paradise</strong> is a skill and profit game where fangirls of every shape and size build up an army of hot anime boys, just for the bragging rights of "I own ______." <strong>The goal is to</strong> buy up a group that is worth being jelous of. <!--size--></span><!--center--></div>
<span style="font-size: 200%;"><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" border="0" /><!--size--></span>
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><span style="font-size: 110%;"> Q: How do I start?
A: First, you need to register in the <!--link--><a href="">Group and Harem Registration Forum</a>. Once your group has been confirmed, you can start buying, selling, and trading away! Don't be shy either, and stop by <!--link--><a href="">Introductions</a> to meet some of the other players.
Q: What is cash? How much cash do I start out with?
A: Cash is the stuff you use to buy characters with, silly! And every member starts out with 1500 cash :) But look up top to see if we have any promotionals running to qualify for extra cash!
Q: How do I buy characters?
A: You buy characters at the <!--link--><a href="">Bank</a>. Or you can buy characters at the <!--link--><a href="">For Sale forum</a> from other players interested in selling their characters.
Q: How is the price of characters determined?
A: On the character's information page here on MAL there is an option to favorite the character. The price that the character will cost is determined by the amount of people who have favorited the character. The bank, being an unfair manipulator, will add 10% of the number of fans to the cost. The 10% will always be rounded up. ***FOR EXAMPLE*** Kamina has 4944 favorites on him. That would be 4944 points. PLUS the 10% bank toll which is 494.4 (rounded automatically up to 495.) Kamina is 5439 Points.
Q: Is there a limit to how many characters I buy?
A: Yes, sorry, there is. There is a limited amount of men in the world, and as much as we love 'um, we can't have them all. Right now there are three types of members. The type of member you are is determined by your Paradise Points. The members are as follows...
Super Member - 10,000 + Points
Member - 5,000 + Points
n00b - 4,999 and under...
n00bs are only allowed to have a total of 5 characters in their posession. You can continue to buy and sell, but you can never have more than 5 at a time.
Members are allowed to have 9 characters in their posession. They may also continue to buy and sell as they please as long as they don't go over 9.
Super Members are special in which they can have 15 characters in their posession. They too can buy, sell, and trade, just not more than 15 characters.
Q: How do I earn Paradise Points?
A: Glad you asked! There are multiple ways to earn your Paradise Points and they don't involve much work. Here's how to do it!
<strong>*Join and Register</strong> - Joining automatically gets you 50 Paradise Points, and registering a group gets you 50 more. You are still a n00b, sadly, but at least it gets you somewhere.
<strong>*Recruit</strong> - For each person you get to join the club, you get 75 Paradise Points! Note: They must confirm that you did indeed invite them to get the points.
<strong>*Win!</strong> - By winning contests with your characters, you get a certain amount of Paradise Points, so look out for those contests!
Q: What are Harems and how do they work?
A: Harems are a deal set up between users over SHARING a guy. Putting together a harem is hard work, but it pays off in the long run. It allows multiple people to share 1 person, and only pay a fraction of the asking price. There are some limitations though. To have a harem, you need 5 people to join it with you. Within those 5 people (4 users and yourself), 1 user must be selected as the "Harem Leader." This is the member who is charge of running the Harem. To register your harem, go to the <!--link--><a href=""> Group and Harem registration forum</a> and fill out the form. To put together a harem go to the <!--link--><a href="">Harems</a> forum.
Q: Is there a limitation on how many people can be in a Harem?
A: Yes. The max number of people is 10, but the minimum number of people is 5.
Q: Can I leave a harem?
A: Yes, but in order to leave a harem there must be at least 5 players remaining, minus you. If there is only 4 remaining after you leave, your harem must find a substitue to take your place. The harem has 48 hours (with a 24 hour extension that may be granted) after your termination to find a substitue, or the harem will be removed completely. The character the harem was centered around will then be fair game for anyone to claim for themselves.
Q: Can we close a harem?
A: Yes. In order to close a harem, more than 50% of the group must consent. If 50% consents, the harem will be closed and the character will be fair game for anyone to claim.
Q: Where to I go to resign from my harem or close my harem?
A: In the <!--link--><a href="">Changes forum </a>
Q: Okay. Hold up. Explain the buying process to me.
Everything here is first come, first serve. Once you make your claim on the male of your choice, I take your $ and you get your man! But there is one small catch....
<strong>Example of that one small catch....
Jane Doe: I would like to claim Suoh, Tamaki. </strong>
Our fake person Jane has now made her claim on Suoh, Tamaki of Ouran High School Host Club. That character will remain available for exactly 48 hours.
<strong>*21 Hours after Jane's comment*
Henrietta Doe: I would ALSO like to claim Suoh, Tamaki. </strong>
Now two people, Henrietta and Jane have claimed Tamaki. This calls for a Catfight. Catfights will occur when two people have the same claim on the same character. It's like an auction. The auction will go for 72 hours exactly and once 72 hours is up, whoever had the highest bid, wins! But there is also one final catch...
<strong>*During the auction of Suoh, Tamaki between Jane and Henrietta..."
Spencer: I would ALSO like to claim Suoh, Tamaki</strong>
That is three people after the same boy. During which, Tamaki becomes unavailable to any more girls for a total of 48 hours. The three girls then have 48 hours to put together a 5 person harem. A 24 hour time extension can be granted if asked.
If a harem isn't put together by the end of the time limit, the character will be taken out of the game for exactly one week. Then he is re-open for claim by anyone.
Q: What is the Trading Post?
A: The <!--link--><a href="">Trading Post</a> is a trade center run entirely buy YOU. You can advertise a character you want to trade and see if you get any offers! This is a great place for bargain hunting. You may get a character you've wanted for a while in exchange for another one you were planning to sell.
Q: How do I sell my characters?
A: Put them up for sale in the <!--link--><a href="">For Sale</a> forum. There people can make offers and you can chose whether to accept them or not.
Have any more questions that we didn't answer here? Go to the <!--link--><a href="">Questions Forum</a> for some help.<!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div><!--size--></span>
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1.) <strong>Member: xRollerPrincessx a.k.a Brii-chan</strong> (143 Cash and Infinate Paradise Points)
-Group Name: Sleeping Forest
-Status: Owner
-Owns: <!--link--><a href="">Ichimoku, Ren.</a> <!--link--><a href="">Hitachiin, Kaoru.</a> <!--link--><a href="">Dupre, Blood.</a>
2.) <strong>Member: OceanStarrs a.k.a Alii</strong> (1067 Cash and 175 Paradise Points)
-Group Name: Ocean Colored Skies
-Status: n00b
-Owns: <!--link--><a href="">Yoite.</a>
3.) <strong>Member: PurpleSky a.k.a Kristen</strong> (2000 Cash and 100 Paradise Points)
-Group Name: Purple Skies
-Status: n00b
4.) <strong>Member: PrincessPin</strong> (1098 Cash and 100 Paradise Points)
-Group name: Pretty boyz 4 eva
-Status: n00b
-Owns: <!--link--><a href="">Ootani, Atsushi.</a>
5.) <strong>Member: Ceci</strong> (2000 Cash and 100 Paradise Points)
-Group Name: DEARs
-Status: n00b
6.) <strong>Member: kawaii-mio</strong> (2000 Cash and 100 Paradise Points)
-Group Name: Black Stones
-Status: n00b
7.) <strong>Member: Toby</strong> (408 Cash and 100 Paradise Points)
-Group Name: Thriving Ivory
-Status: n00b
-Owns: <!--link--><a href="">Kobayakawa, Sena.</a> <!--link--><a href="">Akiharu, Hino.</a> <!--link--><a href="">Sakamoto, Yuuji.</a> <!--link--><a href="">Kagemori, Mamoru.</a> <!--link--><a href="">Shinobu, Morita.</a>
8.) <strong>Member: Chou-chan</strong> (2000 Cash and 100 Paradise Points)
-Group Name: Sweet Dreams
-Status: n00b
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Club Members Club Pictures
Displaying 5 of 10 topics | See All Club Discussion
Club Comments
![]() Club Stats
Members: 29
Pictures: 18
Category: Anime
Created: Sep 27, 2010
Club Staff
xRollerPrincessx (President) Tamaya14 (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |