Information <strong> VISUAL NOVEL </strong>
A visual novel (ビジュアルノベル, bijuaru noberu?), also known as sound novel, is an interactive fiction game featuring mostly static graphics, usually with anime-style art. As the name might suggest, they resemble mixed-media novels or tableau vivant stage plays.
Most visual novels have multiple storylines and many endings; the gameplay mechanic in these cases typically consists of intermittent multiple-choice decision points, where the player selects a direction in which to take the game. This style of gameplay has been compared to the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Most, however, strive for a higher level of plot and character depth than the aforementioned series of interactive children's books. These can be more closely compared to story-driven interactive fiction. While the plots and storytelling of mainstream video games is often criticized, many fans of visual novels hold them up as exceptions and identify this as a strong point of the genre.
<strong> EROGE </strong>
An eroge is a Japanese video or computer game that features erotic content, usually in the form of anime-style artwork.
Eroge may be bishōjo games, otome games, or BL games, although bishōjo games are the most popular. A small number of bara eroge have been produced, mostly dōjin soft.
Most eroge are visual novels or romance sims. However, there are many other kinds of eroge such as :
* Dating sim
* Hentai
* Lolicon
* Shotacon
* Yaoi
* Yuri
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Members: 102
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Category: Games
Created: Sep 5, 2010
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