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<strong><div class="quotetext"><span style="font-size: 90%;"> Mutsuki "Black Rose" Kurama ::</strong>
Voiced by: Tsuda Kenjirou (Drama CD)
Age: Unknown
Position: A Rhode Knight, Knight of the Black Rose
Ability: Search and seizure techniques
Mutsuki has a very dark aura around him and hardly talks to anyone. He is reluctant to accept Anís as his master, referring to her as a wench, and a missy. He likes the darkness and says that he is not a human, but a "dark stalker", which has the power to commune with nature and live longer than humans. Other abilities besides flying are unknown. He has "search and seizure" specialties; strings that are controlled by him appear from his fingers and he has an acute sense of smell and perception. He says that he spent many years in solitary slumber, waiting for his master to arrive/resurrect. According to rumors he puts curses on people and is the head of delinquents. Implied that he is a masochist when he seems satisfied when Anís smacks him around, and seems jealous of the White Rose when he gets collared by the rose whip. He also falls in love with her as well. In chapter 11 he uses his string to keep the Red Rose away from Anís. Despite his brooding demeanor, he also reveals to have forgotten his past and is thereby the last of his race. It is also said that he is "owned" by the White Rose's family. He specializes in investigation and has a mass knowledge of dark magic, due to his unknown past. He fights his enemies through his dark strings that are invisible to the naked eye. <!--quote--></div>
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<strong><span style="color:hotpink"><div class="quotetext">Anís "Rose Princess" Yamamoto ::</strong>
Voiced by: Hirano Aya (Drama CD)
Age: 16
Position: Rose maiden, Dominion, Head Lord Knight
Fears: Thunder, fire, earthquakes and her father's wrath, should she take off the choker.
A cheerful character who always wore a rose choker which her father gave her. He told her that if she ever took it off, she would be punished. Anís was unable to take it off until it disappeared after Ninufa, a bat-like-creature, bowled her over. After Ninufa scurried away, Anís found that she was holding a Red card. She ignores the fact and runs after Ninufa to get her choker back when a monster attacks. Itsushi-sensei, the librarian, tells her that she must kiss the card she was holding. When she does so, Kaede appears out of the card calling her "master". Anís becomes the Dominion, able to summon any of the four rose knights. However, whenever the knights use their power, they drain the life force from her blood. This causes Anís to believe that becoming the Dominion is her punishment for losing her choker. Although the choker she was wearing only brought Anís in the center of attention, for fear of her father's punishment she begins searching for it with the help of her Rose Knights. Apparently one of her special powers as a Dominion as that she is able to call forth a black whip-like rope filled with thorns to used to beat them into submission, or to collar them (much to the delight of the black and white roses)<!--color--></span><!--quote--></div><!--right--></div>
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Created: Jul 29, 2010
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