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Hasn't it been absolutely heart-breaking that people/characters/manga/anime and such are the only ones who get a frickin' fan club?
It isn't? No?! Well, you are cold then. HEARTLESS ASS! There are endless numbers of inanimate objects who are just as good as them and yet, no freaking recognition! So, celebrate for the inanimate! Yeah!
<strong>Celebrity Inanimate Objects</strong>
-Hammer-chama (The amazing hammer given to Mi-chama by Ange-chama.)
-Defele-chama (Mi-chama's deflated elephant that Kari-chama would like to glomp.)
-Piano-chama (The piano that many people *cough* Mi-chama and Kari-chama *cough* hide under.)
-'Puter-chama (The computer you're most likely reading this on. Gosh, you lack a heart if you don't think 'Puter-chama is important.)
-Taku-chama (That feeling in your brain that you wanna do something anime/manga related. It comes from "Otaku".)
-Corner-chama (The corner of woe that Tamaki of Ouran uses along with many. Come on, it's legendary.)
-Usa-chama (Rose-chama's stuffed rabbit that she glomps every night.)
-Chicken-chama (Ange-chama's new idiot weapon after she gave Hammer-chama to Mi-chama.)
-Penguin-chama (Ki-chama's stuffed Penguin that she refuses to share with anyone.)
-Binder-chama (Kari-chama's sacred binder that she drags around everywhere for it holds her precious drawings and often a manga or two.)
-Milk-chama (Milk-chama helps us grow and keep from our otaku collections eating us whole.)
-Pocky-chama (The wonderful, yummiest food in the whole entire world!)
-'Me-'Me-chama (Anime. The very foundation of life, duh.)
- Pyoko-chama (A drawing of a bird. Pyoko-chama is commonly drawn in white boards and is used with a Expo2 pen. The one who mostly draws him/her/it is Yume.)
-Zetsu-chama (Grim_angel_pj's character's scythe. It can be occasionally stolen and everyone goes to panic when that happens.)
Have one to submit? Tell an admin. =3
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*sob* Why the hell must people be cruel to the inanimate?
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 20
Pictures: 2
Category: Other
Created: Dec 22, 2007
Club Staff
Fayt (Secretary) Maora (Secretary) Mirror (Secretary) Riyuma (Secretary) Zoki-chan (Secretary) MomoHime125 (Officer) MonkeyDLuffyGir (Officer) timoteuszka (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |