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DuckTales is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Based on Carl Barks' Uncle Scrooge comic book series, the show premiered on September 18, 1987 and ended on November 28, 1990.
<span style="font-size: 150%;">McDuck household<!--size--></span>
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<strong>Scrooge McDuck</strong>
The richest duck in the world and the main protagonist, Scrooge is constantly seeking ways to further increase his wealth, and to avoid losing it. The only thing Scrooge values more than money is his family.
<strong>Huey Duck, Dewey Duck and Louie Duck</strong>
Identical triplets, and Scrooge's grand nephews. Usually clothed in identical outfits that only differed in color - each of the three wore a specific color.
<strong>Huey Duck</strong>
(red clothes) - Huey serves as the leader of the trio
<strong>Dewey Duck</strong>
(blue clothes) - Dewey is arguably the most clever of the three and he also tends to serve as leader more often than Huey.
<strong>Louie Duck</strong>
(green clothes) - Louie is probably the most creative thinker of the bunch.
<strong>Webby Vanderquack</strong>
Darling child who secretly wants to be accepted as the fourth "nephew".
<strong>Mrs. Bentina Beakley</strong>
Maid/Nanny of the household, and maternal grandmother to Webby.
<strong>Duckworth the Butler</strong>
Scrooge's longtime, no-nonsense butler/chauffeur. Despite having "Duck" in his name, Duckworth is actually an anthropormorphic dog. He worked for Scrooge even before the nephews moved in. He is also Scrooge's chauffeur and errand boy on occasion. Duckworth used to be Scrooge's only household servant until Scrooge hired Mrs. Beakley. He usually appears as a supporting character. His only starring roles on the show were Duckworth's Revolt and Take Me Out of the Ballgame. He first appeared in the pilot episode of DuckTales. Duckworth is a jack-of-all-trades in the McDuck mansion, making him an important member of Scrooge's staff.
<strong>Bubba the Caveduck</strong>
a young caveduck that Scrooge adopted in the second season of the show. He stowed away in Gyro's Time Machine. More critical fans may claim his introduction as a permanent character signaled when DuckTales jumped the shark. Indeed, once Bubba was introduced, the writers seemed to have a difficult time figuring out what to do with him. Most episodes had him simply acting as a fourth nephew, having little to no impact on the plot. Later in the second season Gizmoduck (who would become the focus of several episodes and is generally better liked by fans) was introduced, and Bubba vanished from the series almost entirely, with no explanation as to what became of him. Bubba was, in fact, only in one episode with Gizmoduck, "Metal Attraction," where he has a short cameo.
<strong>Tootsie the Triceratops</strong>
Bubba's pet Triceratops who stowed away with Bubba.
<span style="font-size: 150%;">Friends<!--size--></span>
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<strong>Launchpad McQuack</strong>
Scrooge's pilot. An able flyer, Launchpad can scarcely set a plane down without a massive crash, yet has survived hundreds of crashes without serious injury; he is also easily capable of aerial feats bordering on the impossible. As shown in "The Golden Goose (Part II)," he can actually land a plane safely. Later appeared on Darkwing Duck.
<strong>Gyro Gearloose</strong>
An inventor who often works for Scrooge, designing anything from relocation rays ("The Money Vanishes") to time machines ("Time Is Money"). Despite being duped once in a while by the Beagle Boys, Gyro is generally extremely clever and resourceful. Often his inventions help drive an episode's plot, as they do not always work as designed—when anyone besides Gyro attempts to use them!
<strong>Doofus Drake</strong>
A friend of Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and Launchpad's sidekick. Generally speaking, Doofus is a rather dim-witted and clumsy character, with a positive attitude as insatiable as his appetite. He exhibits hero worship for Launchpad, which frequently borders on the delusional. (The relationship between Doofus and Launchpad in many ways mirrors that of Launchpad and Scrooge.) Doofus is also marked by his strong moral compass, best demonstrated in the episode "Superdoo!", in which he uses paranormal powers to save the Junior Woodchucks from catastrophe, only to voluntarily relinquish them for the sake of hard work and friendship.
<strong>Glittering Goldie</strong>
Scrooge's sweetheart. An original Carl Barks character from the comic "Back to the Klondike," Goldie's origins are as a music hall singer in Dawson. After Scrooge catches Goldie in an attempt to rob him of his recent gold poke, she repays the debt by helping him to work his claim at White Agony Creek. Over the next several months, the two fall in love. Though necessarily kept apart by career and distance (and also Scrooge's bachelor qualities, necessarily preserved to keep his character eccentric!), he and Goldie often cross paths, reaffirming their affection for each other through their strong personalities and resulting adventures.
<strong>Fenton Crackshell</strong>
also known as Gizmoduck - Scrooge's accountant and personal bodyguard, hired by Scrooge in the show's second season. Exhibits a remarkably different personality in his role as Gizmoduck, as his high-powered suit gives him courage to make daring decisions and act as a strong leader and, often, a hero. (Notably, Fenton was ultimately hired for his ability to count at blazing speed, a quality he possesses even without his suit on.) Makes a few guest appearances on Darkwing Duck.
<strong>Mrs. Crackshell</strong>
Fenton's couch-potato mother.
<strong>Gandra Dee</strong>
Fenton's girlfriend.
<strong>Mrs Featherby</strong>
Scrooge's secretary.
<strong>Gladstone Gander</strong>
Scrooge's distant nephew who is, much to Scrooge's annoyance, unfailingly lucky. Only appearing in three episodes ("Dime Enough for Luck," "Sweet Duck of Youth," and "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. McDuck"), Gladstone is far better known in the comic books.
<span style="font-size: 150%;">Villains<!--size--></span>
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<span style="font-size: 150%;">Other<!--size--></span>
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<strong>Donald Duck</strong>
Though a core member of the family, Donald had his time in the animation spotlight and was deliberately downplayed in DuckTales! to give more focus to Scrooge and the boys. At the beginning of the series, Donald leaves Huey, Dewey and Louie in his Uncle Scrooge's care while he serves with the Navy. Donald is sometimes mentioned when the main characters receive mail and pictures from him, and is very occasionally a guest star for an episode.
<strong>Vacation Van Honk</strong>
Background character, who dresses much like a tourist, though he may be a travel agent.
<strong>Quacky McSlant</strong>
Another background character with no lines, Quacky always sports a titled neck, and a sweater with a Q on it.
<strong>Webra Walters</strong>
Snooty reporter, heavily based on Barbara Walters.
A young penguin whom Webby befriended in Antarctica.
<strong>Major Courage</strong>
Captain Kirk-esque actor who once starred in a Star Trek-inspired TV show.
A robot designed by Gyro to perform household chores, who soon tried to overtake his masters. He was eventually destroyed by Launchpad.
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<strong>Title: Duck Tales
Release Date: 1987 - 1990
Seasons: 1 & 2
Episodes: All (100)
Type: TV series
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
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<span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Season 1</strong><!--color--></span>
Episode 1: Don't Give Up the Ship
Episode 2: Wronguay in Ronguay
Episode 3: Three Ducks of the Condor
Episode 4: Cold Duck
Episode 5: Too Much of a Gold Thing
Episode 6: Armstrong
Episode 7: Luck o' the Ducks
Episode 8: Till Nephews Do Us Part
Episode 9: Nothing to Fear
Episode 10: Duck in the Iron Mask
Episode 11: Much Ado About Scrooge
Episode 12: Spies in Their Eyes
Episode 13: Dime Enough for Luck
Episode 14: Jungle Duck
Episode 15: Scroogerello
Episode 16: Top Duck
Episode 17: Bermuda Triangle Tangle
Episode 18: The Status Seekers
Episode 19: Sweet Duck of Youth
Episode 20: Magica's Shadow War
Episode 21: Launchpad's First Crash
Episode 22: Home Sweet Homer
Episode 23: Duck to the Future
Episode 24: Down and Out in Duckburg
Episode 25: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. McDuck
Episode 26: Time Teasers
Episode 27: Catch as Cash Can: Part 1 - A Drain on the Economy
Episode 28: Catch as Cash Can: Part 2 - A Whale of a Bad Time
Episode 29: Catch as Cash Can: Part 3 - Aqua Ducks
Episode 30: Catch as Cash Can: Part 4 - Working for Scales
Episode 31: Merit-time Adventure
Episode 32: Ducky Horror Picture Show
Episode 33: The Golden Fleecing
Episode 34: Horse Scents
Episode 35: Duckworth's Revolt
Episode 36: Ducks of the West
Episode 37: Pearl of Wisdom
Episode 38: Once Upon a Dime
Episode 39: Dinosaur Ducks
Episode 40: Sphinx for the Memories
Episode 41: Double-O Duck
Episode 42: Micro Ducks from Outer Space
Episode 43: Robot Robbers
Episode 44: Send in the Clones
Episode 45: Lost Crown of Genghis Khan
Episode 46: The Right Duck
Episode 47: Back Out in the Outback
Episode 48: Sir Gyro de Gearloose
Episode 49: Raiders of the Lost Harp
Episode 50: Where No Duck Has Gone Before
Episode 51: All Ducks on Deck
Episode 52: The Curse of Castle McDuck
Episode 53: Superdoo!
Episode 54: Earth Quack
Episode 55: Magica's Magic Mirror/Take Me Out of the Ballgame
Episode 56: Scrooge's Pet
Episode 57: The Money Vanishes
Episode 58: Back to the Klondike
Episode 59: Master of the Djinni
Episode 60: Launchpad's Civil War
Episode 61: Hero for Hire
Episode 62: Maid of the Myth
Episode 63: Hotel Strangeduck
Episode 64: Duckman of Aquatraz
Episode 65: The Uncrashable Hindentanic
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Season 2</strong><!--color--></span>
Episode 1: Time Is Money: Part 1 - Marking Time
Episode 2: Time Is Money: Part 2 - The Duck Who Would Be King
Episode 3: Time Is Money: Part 3 - Bubba Trubba
Episode 4: Time Is Money: Part 4 - Ducks on the Lam
Episode 5: Time Is Money: Part 5 - Ali Bubba's Cave
Episode 6: Attack of the 50-Foot Webby
Episode 7: Ducky Mountain High
Episode 8: Yuppy Ducks
Episode 9: The Bride Wore Stripes
Episode 10: Bubbeo and Juliet
Episode 11: The Good Muddahs
Episode 12: Bubba's Big Brainstorm
Episode 13: Beaglemania
Episode 14: The Golden Goose: Part 1
Episode 15: The Golden Goose: Part 2
Episode 16: Liquid Assets
Episode 17: Frozen Assets
Episode 18: Full Metal Duck
Episode 19: The Billionaire Beagle Boys Club
Episode 20: Money to Burn
Episode 21: Metal Attraction
Episode 22: A Case of Mistaken Secret Identity
Episode 23: New Gizmo Kids on the Block
Episode 24: The Unbreakable Bin
Episode 25: Dough Ray Me
Episode 26: The Masked Mallard
Episode 27: Scrooge's Last Adventure
Episode 28: A DuckTales Valentine
Episode 29: Blue Collar Scrooge
Episode 30: Allowance Day
Episode 31: The Land of Tra-La-La
Episode 32: My Mother, the Psychic
Episode 33: The Big Flub
Episode 34: The Duck Who Knew Too Much
Episode 35: Attack of the Metal Mites
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