<!--link--><a href="
http://www.thesixtyone.com/"> thesixtyone.com</a>
<strong>thesixtyone</strong> is a rad new concept of experiential listening- listeners get to decide what songs are best instead of media moguls at the top.
At <strong>thesixtyone</strong>, users are rewarded with 'experience points' each time they complete a quest, which is akin to a typical RPG- the higher your level, the more quests you unlock and your limit on hearting songs (giving hearts to a song to show your support for that piece) is increased.
<strong>thesixtyone</strong> is a great place for users to discover new music from artistes that are otherwise still under-appreciated in the music community. users can also donate (in the form of credits which are refillable via cash) or buy songs and albums from artistes that they feel deserve their money.
This group is for those who enjoy using the site- expand your musical social network here!
Add me up <!--link--><a href="
http://www.thesixtyone.com/#/anumericalevil/"> here. </a>
[Random things about thesixtyone]
- Last.fm users, rejoice. Do you know that you can actually scrobble your plays to Last.fm? All you have to do is go to settings > broadcasting > enter your last.fm username + pwd and you're all set!
-Twitter users, you're not forgotten either! You can broadcast your hearted tracks on thesixtyone via the same method described above as well. Let your friends know what songs are getting you all hyped up!