Information <img src="" border="0" />
M.M is a red-headed girl that came to work for Mukuro on episode 22, she first attacks when Bianchi, yamamoto, gokudera, reborn, and tsuna are enjoying a picnic. While Bianchi tries to get Tsuna to drink her posion cooking it starts to bubble up. they have no clue where the attack is untill Gokudera throws bombs in her direction. after the smoke fades her face is finally revealed to the Vongola. they are also a bit worried considering they never heard of her being there, they only knew of Mukuro, Ken, Chikusa, and a hostage.
M.M comments on their outfits and claims them to be sorry hitman. she then claims she is not wearing the Kokuyo school Uniform because she wants to but because it would amuse master Mukuro
she then says that money should have money and that she should go shopping.
Bianchi comes out saying
"Love isn't important money is" this annoys M.M and the battle between M.M and Bianchi start, over love and money.
Bianchi uses her posion cooking to sheild her self from M.M's clarinet. Which can cause anything to boil up and explode my microwaving moluclues (I know I suck at spelling that)
When Bianchi throws the last posion short-cake to her face M.M screams and asks her if thats what she thought she would hear from her?
she then pulls her clarinet appart, revealling a sort of Knuckchuck like close ranged weapon. she claims she is also good at in fighting.
as she swings at Bianchi she manages to knock her over. as she gets ready to play the final note her clarinet starts turning purple and getting posion cooking on it from Bianchi's new skill.
she unfortunatly digests some of the harmful posion cooking and passed out, it is unknown if she dies or not.
she is then taken back to prison with Birds, Ken, Chikusa, and Mukuro.
Chapter 264 update!
earlier in the choice arc Squalo told Lussuria to bring Fran because they needed his Illusions, Lussuira claimed he was seeing a girl that was unknown to the public readers yet. that pissed squalo off...In chapter 264 Fran sneezes and someone is yelling at them though their legs are only viewable. turn the back...and TYL! M.M is standing there. Finally after alot of chapters they finally bring her back.
she yells at Fran for sneezing on her expensive jacket, Fran says if it cost alot of money then don't wear it.
it is hinted that she might help vongola protect Uni and fight the milliefore because these 3 hints
chikusa stated they were not to attack Vongola but protect Uni, and they he said they that must include M.M
The final page that said "the final battle with byakuran is drawing near...something something....had Vongola, milliefore, kokuyo which included M.M too.
she stated she needs to look good because the last time she saw them was at the Kokuyo battle which means that they will see her again.
The TYL! M.M still has short hair, carries the same Clarinet case, and has a love for money and shopping and clothes.
in video games her flame is sun so that must mean if they show her flame in the manga or anime later it might be sun unless the Author decides to change it.
she is often paired up with
the het couple Ken and M.M.
or the Yuri couple Chrome and M.M. even tho both couples in a way are crack couples.
can't wait to see more of TYL! M.M. in the manga and anime when it gets to that point and catches up with the manga version of it.
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M.M. Tribute! (not made by me)
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