There are many girls in anime. Perhaps too many. Do you like moe? or maybe you like the more action girls? Tsunderes? Meganekkos? Lolicon? School girls? Mecha?
Maybe you have favorite characters. But have you ever thought of WHY? That's what my Perfect Anime Girl Sheet is for. It is to explain, in a mathematical system, why I like certain girls.
Thank you everyone who sent in a blog for 2017. Namely:ZettaiRyouikiSPARTAN_119Criteria is as shown:
Now, what is this, you may ask. I'll tell you. These are the 9 points that I use to judge a female anime character for this purpose only. (Not based on Favorites/popularity etc.)
Anyway, here's the 9 points, which are broken into 3 groups (Head, Body, Mind).
HeadHair: I like hair to be as long as possible, preferably past the shoulder blades when "down", and reaching the hips or past is perfect. it should be a dark color. Black is the preferred color, but browns, blues, and purples are good too. Whites and silvers are exceptions, I do like those two lighter colors. Red is normally bad, though there are few exceptions, while Pink is even worse. As far as style goes her hair should free and flowing nicely down her back, providing a bit of shape to her neck. Other good hair styles include being braided, or ponytails (especially on the honorable swordgirl-types). I prefer ponytails to be near the center of the back of a girl's head and leading downward. Finally, a hime cut/straight cut in front is always appreciated.
Also, the only place on the girl's body where should grow is the top of her head. I probably would put it otherwise in the "body", but I figured that this would be a good place to put it.
Eyes: Glasses! Yes, it is esoteric, yes, it only gathers a small fanbase, but I love my Meganekkos!! I like all kinds of frames and even the occasional monocle-wearer. I don't see why girls would want to use contacts or not use glasses so losing them always makes me dislike the series in general. The eyes should be big, cute, and dark colored (see hair above, matching is usually good and red is again a poor choice). An interest is shown in eyes always shut as well. I like high corners and what's called a "tsurime", meaning I like the upper eye to be sloped rather than curved. I'll also talk about eyebrows if they're notable enough.
Face: The face should be youthful, cute, and have a small/no nose. I don't like noses for some odd reason. The less realistic, the better. I also like curves, so I like things like plump cheeks and the like. I'm not fond of sharp features such as pointed chins.
BodyBuild: Build incorporates things such as the hips, waist, and basic structure of the body (with one exception, see below). This also includes any points such as legs or rear ends. I do like finding one "point" on a body that tends to be shown off as well. A thin build is cute, but as long as it is proportioned well, I don't mind a bit of thickness. I also prefer taller girls for some reason, especially if they're taller than the lead male.
Breasts: This is the exception to build. They are, if you pardon my chauvinist pig aspect, the most appeasing part of the female body to me. These, like the build, need to be proportioned well to the rest of the body. Size does matter, but getting above a certain line results in a poor score. This area also includes things such as nipple size (if applicable, I tend to like smaller nipples) and general bounciness (I like a bit of bounce, but I also don't want girls to nearly be hitting themselves in the face every time they move). I don't like to imagine large breasts suddenly disappearing either. Finally, I REALLY dislike fake breasts. I'd prefer a flat chested girl to one who feels so ashamed of her body that she feels the need to change her appearance. Well, maybe not really, but you know what I mean.
Clothes: It has been said that clothes make the (wo)man. A modest, yet sexy in it's simplicity outfit is great. Some examples include: School Uniform (includes teacher as well; my preference lies in darker-colored uniforms and blazers), Bathing suit (I'm a stickler for support when it comes to busty girls, while flatter females can find an appropriate sukimizu/school swimsuit/competition swimsuit/other one piece for their favored), the ever popular Moe Shirt (an overlarge sweatshirt, including sleeves that pass the fingers), office outfit, or Nurse/maid outfit. I especially like neckties or ribbons that go between the chest as well. I'm not a fan of flashier outfits, and unsupported outfits, while sexy for being close to nudity, aren't all that appealing.
MindPersonality: I prefer quiet characters, those that are outwardly shy. Related to that, I also like Emotionless girls as well as "kuuderes" (girls who are outwardly cold but have a warm inside). Relatively smart characters are also good. I also like otakus, especially if they're interested in similar anime/video games as I am. Also, honorable swords woman-types are also good. I like a girl who can protect me. I don't have an imouto fetish, but I DO like OLDER sisters. I also like class representatives or otherwise those in power. I am not a big fan of Yanderes (or other overly violent girls) nor do I like Tsunderes.
Then again, Personality might just mean a character I got far too interested in or found stimulating. This area can become very subjective.
Libido: Yes, the love area. An average-high interest in things of a carnal nature is preferred, however, it is better to be imaginative or wishful of things. I like it more when I get to know the relationship between characters before they slip under the sheets. I don't do characters from pure ero series that often so this will rarely go into "details", but know that paizuri (mammary intercourse) is one of the things I want from any of my hentai girls.
Age: Not how old the character looks, but the actual how old they are age. 18-28 is a good area.
Now that you've seen the categories, I'll tell you about the grading. Grading is based upon a standard A B C D F scale, and each score gives certain points according to the below chart. The totals for each category are averaged, and the result is graded.
Simple, huh?
For the bottom area, do the following: [list=1][*]Add up the 9 criteria. this becomes the "Total Score".[*]Divide the sum by nine (because there are nine criteria). This is the "Average Score".[*]Finally, look up and see what grade the Average Score would receive. That grade becomes the "Final Grade"
Seriously; people were confused by THIS?
Now, some people state that I use B's quite a bit. I do feel bad when I give out low scores, and they're mainly on the "breast" part of flat-chested girls.
Opinions are good. That's the only thing that is indisputable in this club. Discuss your favorite girls here, and I might put them as a weekly bonus (that is, if I know them well enough..). Or discuss the blog itself.
You can see the blog here.
Now that this trap's series is done, it's finally time to take a look at this absolutely awful character! Granted his gender is “unknown”, but it's still time to look at this major annoyance!
This week's girl may appear to be a nun, but she's actually a Shinto goddess possession a young girl! Yes, it's time to look at this KanaHana girl with lovely hair!
While it's been a while it's good to finish off a series like this, even if this witch girl sadly is the most forgettable member of the cast! Well, of the visible members at least xD.
This week we'll be looking at a wonderful magical girl turned doctor, one that deserves more love even if her allies might not be talked about right away!
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