Information In the fictional world of the Fullmetal Alchemist series, Homunculi are artificial humans created through alchemy. They serve as the principal villains in the series. There are seven Homunculi in all. Each is named after, and usually exhibits a personality or abilities aligned to, one of the seven deadly sins, although their characteristics and identities vary somewhat between the anime and manga series. The three most well known Homunculi are Envy, who can shapeshift, Lust, who can extend her razor-like finger nails at extreme speeds to distances up to 50m to kill her opponents, and Gluttony, who can bite through and digest just about anything. The Homunculi's one true goal is to become human. The one who organized all and created some of the Homunculi is a person named homunculus. The leader of all of the State Alchemists, Führer Bradley, is a Homunculus as well (pride). He is the only Homunculus who is able to age like a normal human. He is the one responsible for the fall of Ishbal and all the other wars during his rule. The reasons for such conflicts were two-fold: culling individuals who would attempt to craft The Philosopher's Stone out of desperation, and supplying the would-be creator with enough of the major ingredients to fuel the stone's creation, i.e. human lives. The other Homunculi are: pride, acts as wrath's (King Bradley's) son can extend tentacle like substance around any area he is in and consume humans. Sloth, who is ultra dense skin and extremely strong, he spends most of his time digging a large circular tunnel around the whole of the country and Greed, Who can change the density of his body by changing the carbon atoms.
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Category: Anime
Created: Nov 29, 2007
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