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Height: 152 cm
Birthday: September 24
Blood type: O
Guardian Chara: Ran, Miki, Su, Dia
Amu Hinamori, the series protagonist, is a student of Seiyo Elementary. Amu's classmates see her as a "Cool and Spicy" girl, but Amu is actually extremely shy and timid. Part of the reason for this misunderstanding is the trendy punk clothing her mother buys for her as well as the way in which she expresses her shyness and avoids doing new things. However, when Amu wishes for the courage to be reborn as her "would-be self", three colorful eggs appear the next morning, which later give birth to Amu's three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su.
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During Character Change and Character Transformation her hair clip changes (Ran→Heart, Miki→Spade, Su→Clover, Dia→Diamond) The characters Amu becomes are good at certain activities like Amulet Heart who is athletic, Amulet Spade who is artistic, Amulet Clover who is a skilled house-worker or maid, and Amulet Diamond who is a musician/singer.
Amu has a crush on Tadase Hotori, the King's Chair of Seiyo Elementary Guardians. However, when she confessed her feelings during her first Character Change with Ran in front of the entire school, Tadase refused her. Amu later learns that Tadase is not good at receiving confessions and would Character Change with Kiseki, who would refuse the confession.
At first, Amu rejects the offer to join the Guardians, using the excuse that she does not want to wear the royal cape. But the Guardians announce her as a member anyways, under a special position, Joker's Chair. On joining the Guardians, she receives her very own royal cape to which Amu says, "Anything but that!" and the "Humpty Lock", a locket with a four leaf clover decoration. Nadeshiko states that the very first king left it and said, "Entrust this to the joker whom comes with three Guardian Eggs." Also, it was explained to her that the Joker's duty is to hunt X eggs as she is the only one with the power to purify them.
It is seen that Amu has a crush on Ikuto as whenever he touches her, she blushes, which she does not realizes at first, but began to be aware of. She also was shocked to see that Utau kissed Ikuto, and presumably became jealous. In volume 5, Amu goes on a date with Tadase, which shows a little bit more development of their relationship. She also was confronted by Ikuto, on her date, resulting to a confession from Ikuto saying the actual reason he bothers her is because he is interested in her. In episode 29 Utau tells Amu that Ikuto likes Amu. And in chapter 28, Amu asks him if he has someone he loves and he answers, "It's you". She takes it as a joke but when Utau tells her that he was not lying, she realizes that Ikuto was being honest.
She has a "love confusion" as she thinks about 4 guys. This is shown when she catches the bride's bouquet in episode 35 and she thinks of herself as a bride. Then suddenly, Tadase appears and holds her hand, then Ikuto holds the one with the bouquet, and Kukai and Kairi give her more bouquets.
Amu's Transformations (in order of appearance by the anime):
* Amulet Heart (Ran)
* Amulet Spade (Miki)
* Amulet Clover (Su)
* Amulet Angel [Eru]
* Amulet Devil [Iru]
* Amulet Diamond (Dia)
* Amulet Fortune (Ran, Miki, Su, Dia)<!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div>
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The girl serving as the new Q-Chair. She is a transfer student and the same age as Amu. Rima is a short, cute and beautiful girl with a selfish personality. She is well-liked among male students and disliked by female students, such as Amu. She feigns crying to deceive people. At one point of the manga, while looking for X Eggs with Amu, she Character transforms and destroys one unnecessarily. She is bad at sports.
Her Character Transformation with Kusu Kusu is called "Clown Drop." When she does Character Change she becomes a gag character which she dislikes and is at first laughed at for, and often uses a signature phrase "Bala-Balance" (Balancing Balance) from the Magazine Gag Manga Daiō.
Her Guardian Character, Kusu Kusu, is a clown because she likes stand up comedians, and tries to make her parents laugh at home, because they were always arguing about who raised Rima, although she is unsuccessful. After episode 32 she is seen being together with Amu for P.E.
Later, she opens up to Amu and becomes friends with her. She even teases Amu in episode 34 about her fear of ghost. Though she dislikes Nadeshiko the former queen because she heard the Guardians talk about Nadeshiko being Amu's best friend. She also later discovered in Chapter 34 that Nagihiko is actually Nadeshiko. But they team up, and fights the x-eggs.
<span style="font-size: 270%;"><span style="color:#ff0000">A<!--color--></span><span style="color:#e2531c">m<!--color--></span><span style="color:#c69d38">u<!--color--></span><span style="color:#aad655">'<!--color--></span><span style="color:#8df771">s<!--color--></span> <span style="color:#55e7aa">B<!--color--></span><span style="color:#38b8c6">o<!--color--></span><span style="color:#1c74e2">y<!--color--></span><!--size--></span>
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Ikuto Tsukiyomi is a teenage boy contracted by Easter to find the Embryo. He often helps Amu even though he works for Easter. Ikuto actually despises Easter and tries to wrench himself free from them by trying to find the Embryo to grant his own wish. He possesses the Dumpty Key which pairs with Amu's Humpty Lock which at first did not fit in the keyhole. Like his father, Ikuto is a skilled violinist.
His Shugo Chara is Yoru
<span style="font-size: 270%;"><span style="color:#ff0000">R<!--color--></span><span style="color:#e54b19">i<!--color--></span><span style="color:#cc8f33">m<!--color--></span><span style="color:#b2c74c">a<!--color--></span><span style="color:#99ed66">'<!--color--></span><span style="color:#7ffe7f">s<!--color--></span> <span style="color:#4cdcb2">G<!--color--></span><span style="color:#33accc">u<!--color--></span><span style="color:#196ce5">y<!--color--></span><!--size--></span>
<img src="" border="0" />
Birthday : July 4
Blood Type : AB
Guardian Chara 1 : Temari
Guardian Chara 2 : Rhythm
The graceful but somewhat enigmatic former Q-Chair (Queen's Chair), who is the same age as Amu. When Amu rejected the offer to join the Guardians, Nadeshiko tried many ways to convince Amu; One of those was to bribe Amu with photos of Tadase sleeping.
It was revealed later on in the manga that Nadeshiko is a boy and his real name is Nagihiko. It is the rule of the Fujisaki family that the males are trained to become "oyama" (male actors who plays female parts in kabuki). That is why Nagihiko wears female clothes and goes by a female name. He goes studying abroad in Europe to "complete" his dancing.
In chapter 27, Nagihiko is shown with the First K-chair, Tadase, and Kukai. The First King has decided that Nagihiko will serve as the interim Jack, since Kairi left at the end of Chapter 26. Kukai and Tadase are the first few people that knows Nagihiko's secret, the others being Nagihiko's family and the First King.
Nagihiko has yet to do a Character Transformation with Temari, however his character after Character Change is a battle-hungry yakuza type who speaks in Hiroshima slang and carries a naginata. He is good friends with Amu, and he looks over and supports Amu in her love life. Temari says "Chin, Ton, Shan" during a Character Change with Nagihiko
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In chapter 34 and episode 91, Rhythm hatches after Nagihiko remembers how much he liked playing basketball, at his own pace and rhythm, while fighting against an X Character. When in a Character Transformation, they become Beat Jumper. In episode 91 and 92 it is shown his attack "Beat Dunk" which is needed for him to jump up in the air and make a powerful dunk. In episode 93 it is show his attack "Blaze Shoot" which he throws a somewhat-like ball forming in his hands.
Rhythm Character Changes with him into a person really good at sports. He appears to be very friendly and optimistic person in Character Change. It is shown in episode 92. And is later revealed that Temari then returns at episode 98 and chapter 34 with Rhythm. When in a Character Transformation, they become Yamato Mai Hime.<!--spoiler--></span></div>
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