Koyama, Mitsuki {Full Moon} FC (Club on Hiatus - Because the club staff is busy- read in club why)
Description coming soon.......... I've been unwell, still am but trying to get things back up and running.
For people who may not know Mitsuki, there is some information listed below:
Anime List Topic #1Anime List Topic #2Wikipedia Page For Full Moon
[u][i]Club Banner:[/u][/i]
You may use these banners on your profile if you want. But please also add the link for this club to it ^^
Thank you!
[u]Banner(s) made by Windeen[/u]
[u]Banner(s) made by Windeen[/u]
Member cards will be made by me when I get at least 30 members here! (Note: This promise still holds, only- now its dependant upon my health and that there is a desire for them)
Please invite your friends!
[u]Afilliates-Other clubs owned by Windeen & Orulyon:[/u]
[u][i]Windeen's Clubs:[/u][/i]
[u] Banner made by Windeen[/u]
[u] Banner made by Windeen[/u]
[u] Banner made by Windeen[/u]
[u][i]Orulyon's Clubs:[/u][/i]
[u]Banner made by Orulyon[/u]
[u][i]Other Affiliates:[/u][/i]
[u]Mitsuki Related AMV's I found:[/u]
I did not make these-
I figured that the makers of the videos wouldn't mind if more people see their cute videos, so I posted them here.
If they ask me to remove then, I will.
~*~Windeen(Windy)~*~[b]Mitsuki AMV#1:[/b]
[b]Mitsuki AMV#2:[/b]
Windy dear...dont apologize, im sure everyone understands. also its me the one who has to apologize for not helping out ;_; Take your time sweetheart:)
Don't say sorry for stupid things like that it's stupid and annoying if your sick then it don't matter it matters that you get better but don't say sorry for it that just pisses me off
In January or February I’ll be less active on MAL for a week or 2 because I have to have thyroid surgery then at some time for pre-cancer on my thyroid.
If anyone would like to help ourlyon and I with the club please let me know.
Ok. Thank you Chiibi ^^ I'll make a note of this... I'm sorry for being stubborn.
I'm just a bit picky about how I do things.
Since you wanted more to be done in the club, would you like to be an admin and do something to help the club be active?
I don't have anything in mind of course, but I'm open to ideas....
If not it’s fine with me too. I just thought I'd make an offer.
And Thank you for liking the layout ^^
I’ll be changing it after the first of the year probably.
This is a private club. Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.
Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.