Information In a world inhabited by both humans and Yokai, there is a protector known as the Karas, granted power by the yokai known as Yurine to manafest a suit of armour and enhanced abilities. This protector watches over their chosen city and keeps it from any danger. On such danger are demons known as Mikura, which once inhabited the world before humans, they seek to regain control although their time has long since past, they feed on humans and even yokai to sustain their lives and bring them on step closer to regaining the world.
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Our story begins with the Karas of the different cities coming together to stop the biggs mobilasation of Mikura to date. This is where we come in, each person creates their own karas, then begins to roleplay.
When you create a Karas please keep these in mind;
1: The karas wears a suit of armour, i don't mind which kind of armour you choose, but it must be full body. (non-negotionable)
2: Every Karas has a part of the origional Yurine with them, to grant them the power of the Karas. (non-negotinable)
3: You can choose the color hair, eyes and clothing of your Yurine, plus the design on the inside of her goggles. (you don't have to, but you can)
4: You can choose which ever weapon you wish to weild, as long as it is not a firearm of some kind.
5: Even though we are going to be rping in the same locations as eachother, please choose the city you originally protected.
Other then that, i want you to have fun. ^^
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Category: Other
Created: Jul 10, 2009
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