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Days: 71.7
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed290
- On-Hold37
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch306
- Total Entries656
- Rewatched3
- Episodes4,216
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries218
- Reread0
- Chapters1,769
- Volumes176
All Comments (230) Comments
Happy New Year!! ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
May this year be filled with hope, peace and prosperity for you.
Continuing with the anime x electro combo, ever heard of Infected Mushroom? Or maybe Vampire Hunter D? Well, now you have!
The Fat Of The Land is to this day one of the most important albums ever made, so it's wise to start with that. I loved their latest work, No Tourists, too.
Five for every letter, dang not exactly a little challenge lol.
Lately I'm mostly into horror, shounen or BL series. Given your gender, history and preferences (strong/bossy or problematic females, romance, school, ecchi), the only titles you might happen to enjoy as much as me - or more - are Hina-chan Change, Shounen-tachi no Iru Tokoro and Onanie Master Kurosawa.
Unfortunately there is no Black Lagoon movie, maybe you're talking about the OVA? Rally is smarter, but Revy far more psychotic XD Balalaika, now she would annihilate every woman, man, or country.
Wishing you and your waifus a music-filled day/night~
Anything specific in mind? Our animanga taste seem quite different and your ptr is pretty long (sounds bizarre coming from me right), but just ask me nicely. Rare to see Gunsmith Cats on someone's list, one of the very first manga I picked up. Well your weak spot for girls-with-guns is quite evident :) Two words for you boy: Black Lagoon.
Have you perhaps heard of The Shizit too? That's JP Anderson's first project before RJ, more on the digital hardcore side. Pretty obscure and solid.
Rabbit Junk's first two records are the absolute best, but their later ones are bangers too. Health did not make a single bad release, either. I think you might love the Dark Nights: Death Metal Soundtrack; unsurprisingly, Health's track is my top pick :D
I like spreading music recs, or any recs, so you're welcome sir~