Information <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" border="0" />
<strong>this club is about <span style="color:#5F04B4">takeru takaishi<!--color--></span> and <span style="color:#5F04B4">hikari yagami<!--color--></span> from <span style="color:#5F04B4">digimon adventure 1 and 2.<!--color--></span></strong>
<span style="color:#9A2EFE"><span style="font-size: 100%;"><strong>About The Characters</strong><!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<span style="color:#9A2EFE"><span style="font-size: 98%;"><strong>Takeru Takaishi</strong><!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<img src="" border="0" />
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><span style="font-size: 98%;"><strong>Takeru grew a lot during the years after his first adventure. On his first day of school, Takeru met Inoue Miyako and Hida Iori, his new neighbors. He also started attending Odaiba Elementary, and quickly found out that he was in the same class as his old friend Hikari, as well as goggleboy Motomiya Daisuke.<span style="color:#0B6138"> Because he and Hikari were already good friends, a paranoid Daisuke immediately pegged him as a rival for Hikari's affections.<!--color--></span> Soon, he found out that he, along with Hikari, Daisuke, Miyako and Iori, were chosen to fight an evil human child called the Digimon Kaiser, who was taking over vast parts of the Digital World. Before long, his old Digivice was modified into the new D-3 and he received the Digimental of Hope, which allowed Patamon to evolve into Pegasmon. Takeru had a slight advantage compared to the new kids because he has had the most experience with Digimon.
After some time fighting the Digimon Kaiser, Hikari fell victim to the influence of the World of Darkness, and was taken there from the Real World. Deeply concerned, Takeru, Patamon and Tailmon found their way to the World of Darkness and helped Hikari destroy a Dark Tower and escape the creatures of darkness that brought her there, who had wanted Hikari to bear the children of their master, Dagomon.
When the Chosen Children went to camp in the Digital World to defeat the Digimon Kaiser once and for all, Takeru and Iori managed to infiltrate the Kaiser's base. While they were in the base, the Kaiser managed to extract the essence of Devimon from the darkness and take his data for his artificial beast, Chimeramon. Once Takeru realized what the Kaiser was doing, he was deeply angred. He proceeded to locate the Kaiser, antagonize him and engage in a fistfight with him.
After Paildramon and Silphymon debuted, Iori realized that Takeru would be his Jogress partner eventually. Iori remembered that incident with the Kaiser, and noticed that Takeru was as uncharacteristically violent and angry where Black War Greymon was involved. Desperate to understand Takeru's attitude towards evil, he turned to Yamato, who told him about Angemon's death, which had affected Takeru more than anyone had realized. This was all Iori needed for Ankylomon and Angemon to Jogress into Shakkoumon.
On Christmas Eve, Takeru went to Ken's Christmas party with the rest of the younger Chosen, although it ended abruptly as they had to send rampaging Digimon back to the Digital World and destroy a Dark Tower. The next day, the Chosen Children found out that Digital Gates were open in the entire world. Qinglongmon gave the Chosen Children one of his Digicores to help power up the Digimon, and Takeru went with Taichi to Paris to help the French Chosen Children round up the wild Digimon who had appeared in the Real World.
Back in Japan, the children had to fend off the Demon Corps, a group of evil Digimon led by Demon, as well as Archnemon, Mummymon and their boss, the human Oikawa Yukio. He and the other children helped Ken open a gate to the World of Darkness and banished Demon through the gate. However, Oikawa managed to run away. In his wake, he left twenty children, who had Dark Seeds sown into their necks.
Takeru and the others followed the seeded children for the following days, facing Oikawa several times. On December 31st, they followed Oikawa and the children to the world of dreams, where it was revealed that Oikawa Yukio was possessed by the spirit of Belial Vamdemon, who absorbed the power of the Dark Seeds in the seeded children's necks to gain a corporeal form. He killed Archnemon and Mummymon, which shocked and frightened Takeru and the others. When Daisuke and XV-mon started fighting back, Belial Vamdemon subjected the children to an illusion, showing their greatest desire. Takeru's desire was for his family to be together again, but it was broken by Patamon's explanation that it wasn't real, and Daisuke appeared to take him back to the other kids. When everyone's illusions were broken, Takeru used the power of the dream dimension against Belial Vamdemon, with Angemon, Holy Angemon, Pegasmon and Shakkoumon appearing all at once to fight Belial Vamdemon. After Belial Vamdemon escaped to the Digital World, the light from his D-3 helped weaken Belial Vamdemon and power up Imperialdramon Fighter Mode's Giga Death cannon. </strong><!--size--></span><!--spoiler--></span></div>
<span style="color:#9A2EFE"><span style="font-size: 98%;"><strong>Hikari Yagami</strong><!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<img src="" border="0" />
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><span style="font-size: 98%;"><strong>Kari grew a lot during the two 1/2 years between Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02; becoming more mature, perkier and braver. In place of her whistle, she now has a digital camera around her neck. She likes taking pictures, and has quite a liking for playing practical jokes and teasing her friends, and she is somewhat a tomboy. Because Davis--a new Digidestined and leader- has a crush on her, Kari often teases him by flirting with T.K.--one of the old Digidestined--who saved her when she was in the Dark World. She shares a special bond with T.K. They know better than the rest of the Digidestined about the dangers of the Digital World. Davis has feelings for Kari, forcing Davis to act childish and confused, while Kari giggles at his mistakes.
While searching for Gatomon’s lost Tail Ring, Kari, Yolei, another new Digidestined, and Ken--also another new Digidestined and the new Dark Master of the Digital World, but became good later on--ended up in the Dark World. Upon finding the Dark Ocean, Kari began to lose her composure due to her last visit. She and Ken struggled under the hold of the Dark Ocean. This event was taken advantage of by a Blossomon. It took Yolei's slap and words to make the two see eye-to-eye. This gave Aquilamon and Gatomon the power to DNA Digivolve to Silphymon; it also gave Kari the heart to help Ken.
During Christmas, Kari, Izzy--another old Digidestined- and their Digimon were sent to Hong Kong to help the Asian DigiDestined, where all three of the Poi Brothers (Chinese Digi-Destined) developed a crush on her. After sending all of the Digimon back to their world and destroying all the Control Spires, she and the other DigiDestined faced the threat of Yukio Oikawa. He kidnapped Ken and planted Dark Spores into other children. Kari and the other DigiDestined didn't realize that he was being controlled by the disembodied spirit of Myotismon.
After harvesting the Dark Spores, Myotismon emerged from Oikawa, becoming MaloMyotismon. After some fighting, MaloMyotismon created a world of illusions; each DigiDestined was subjected to their true desires and wants. Kari's desire was for humans and Digimon to live side by side, making it a better world for everyone. Gatomon and Raidramon broke her free of the illusion. She then joined with the other kids, who were in the process of breaking free of their illusions. Kari used the power of the dream dimension and wished for Gatomon to become stronger; she split into Angewomon and Nefertimon and DNA Digivolved with Aquilamon to become Silphymon, all three forms appearing at the same time. After the fighting stopped, Kari saw one of her dreams come true. Both the Real World and Digital World lived in peace together. </strong><!--size--></span><!--spoiler--></span></div>
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<strong>from: aichanXD
message to her: thank you very much!</strong>
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<strong>from: NoyChan
message to her: thank you!</strong>
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<strong>from: true_heart</strong><!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div>
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<strong>from: SlatsGraphics
massage to him: thanks!</strong>
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<strong>from: kariELA
message to her: domo arigatou!</strong>
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<strong>from: angel_hearted
message to her: thankies!^^
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message to her: thank you duday!
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Members: 111
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Category: Characters
Created: Apr 15, 2009
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