Information <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:green">This is my first "RP" club (Role Play) so I hope it does well.
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><u>Roleplay</u></strong>
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Either to the unconscious changing of one's behavior to assume a social role or roles in life or to the conscious adoption and acting out of roles, both fictional and real world.[1] Roleplaying is historically a reference to Psychodrama and Sociodrama, and more recently to Drama Therapy, which were originally created as a methodology for studying role theory by the social sciences. Roleplaying may also refer to role training where persons rehearse situations in preparation for a future performance and to improve their abilities within a role. The most common examples are occupational training role plays, educational role play exercises, and certain military wargames. More recently, roleplaying has come to refer to the playing of a fictional character in role-playing games, and by association to refer to the control of playing pieces in computer role-playing games and board wargames.
"Roleplaying" was modeled after theater and includes many terminological counterparts. To roleplay one enacts various motives, attitudes, and postures.[2] The protagonists are the participants who improvise their actions within a situation normally simulated about them. It is their life or abilities, their roles, that are being examined or tested. The auxiliary egos are anyone else who performs to place the protagonists within the situation. The audience is any onlooker who may provide feedback. The stage is wherever the practice is performed or perhaps fictionally set. The director is the expert who guides the exercise, this can be a therapist, instructor, trainer, coach, or, within role-playing games, a gamemaster. wiki~
<div style="text-align: center;">So far no RP threads yet. If you have any ideas please go to this <!--link--><a href="">thread</a>. Doesnt matter what kind of romance , it can be yaoi and yuri to.<!--color--></span>
<strong><u><span style="color:purple">Rules<!--color--></span></u></strong>
<span style="color:purple">-Be nice to others
-If you RP and dont post for more then 2 weeks someone can take your character over(but talk to me first)
-Pretty much anything goes
-And most of all! "HAVE FUN!!" :3<!--color--></span>
<strong><span style="color:#003300">Sean_Hiruki's Roleplay Kingdom Forum:<!--color--></span></strong>
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<span style="color:#660099"><strong><u>Banners</u></strong><!--center--></div>
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~still under contruction~
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 194
Pictures: 6
Category: Other
Created: Mar 11, 2009
Club Staff
kittycopper (President) Saito-kun (Secretary) Sean_Hiruki (Secretary) Baby_Doll (Officer) spineslayer (Officer) TakuTaku (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |