Jan 6, 2025
It's very clear that Yami no Purple Eye is a low-budget advertisement for the manga. The majority of the first half of the music video can be summed up as a manga panel slideshow with some special effects. The second half, however, features a slight increase in animation which brings some cool scenes with that classic retro anime aesthetic. These visuals are accompanied with some relaxing 80s Japanese music.
Despite these elements, I believe the project ultimately fails to achieve its goal, which appears to be promoting the manga. The music video is too much of an out of context manga panel slideshow and not enough
of a cool retro animation showcase which makes most of the experience boring and the manga that is being advertised to appear uninteresting. Additionally, the length of the music video is much longer than it should need to be, a shorter 3-4 minute video cutting all the stills would have been far more effective.
Unless you are already a fan of the manga or are curious about J.C. Staff's early works, there isn’t much reason to watch this. The music is by no means terrible, but there is plenty better within the same genre. There are also other anime projects that deliver the classic 80s anime aesthetic visuals with more animation and less still frames.
Final Scorings:
Animation: 2/10 (Mostly still manga panels)
Sound: 6/10 (Fine music but nothing amazing)
Value: 3/10 (First J.C Staff project)
Enjoyment: 2/10 (Very boring)
Overall: 3.25/10 ~ 3/10 (Very Bad)
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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