Feb 15, 2025
And so, with To Heart 2 Adnext we have reached the bare end of the cannonical To Heart franchise, at least those that takes place in the same shared universe, anyways.
What comes after seems to be in another completely separated plane of existence, and I cannot really speak on its cannonicity on the franchise, just so you know.
The most important aspect of To Heart 2 Adnext that sets it appart from the rest of the OVAs of this series no doubt have to an special episode that deals solely (well, sort of) with Kusakabe Yuuki, that mysterious black-haired girl who gets introduced seemingly out of
nowhere and seems to have an unusually high level of affection for Takaaki who doesn't really make sense considering we know little to next to nothing about her backround to begin with (altough that could also be said for half of the girls on the To Heart franchise also, lol).
Just like HMX-17b "Milfa", or Harumi Kouno, as she is more formally known throught this anime, Yuuki never gets formally introduced the first time she appears in the show and lefts us, the audience, to speculate on whatever her backround lore might be.
As of the time of this review, To Heart has already do this with two characters, should I be mad about this? I mean, possibly yes, it's kind of lazy thing to do to us, the audience, and more inquisitive critics may have jumped on the throat of this show for daring to do it not once, but twice, at the moment. But seriously, you couldn't get me to be mad about it, since you know, the purpose of these OVAs is the advertise a dating sim and nothing else, what else where you especting? Lol.
Anyways, with the introduction of such an episode those wrongs regarding Kusakabe Yuuki are finally set straigh. Should To Heart done something about her earlier to avoid these kind of confusions? Also problably yes, but you know how this series goes, that's just what one get to expect here.
Other than that, we get a pretty solid episode on which Manaka daydreams about beign Takaaki on multiple ocasions and gets on a bunch of pretty funny and hearthwarming situations with him that no doubt doubt Manaka enjoyers (who, based on her numbers of favorites on her character page, aren't few) will enjoy.
And yeah, that's about it, that's about all of what To Heart 2 Adnext has to offer. It's a small but nice experience to consume on some day you are bored and have nothing better to do, or something similar, anything, really.
I assume that if you are here is because you have already watched the rest of the To Heart series, no? C'mon, finish the damn thing the proper way and watch the last OVA of the cannonical universe, it takes just under an hour to do so and it can be pretty entertaining at certain parts. It won't let you down, I guarentee you that. Pretty solid for what it has to offer.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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