Jan 19, 2025
Very quickly after starting to watch these specials you'll notice how fundamentally nothing really makes sense about them. The history is nonsensical, all over the place and actively contradicts itself on more than one ocation. This goes as far in some points of the episodes that characters see themselves forced to break the fourth wall and call out the producers for putting them in such absurd situations.
All of this, however, rather than beign a downside, complements perfectly what another reviewer smartly pointed out in his own comment, is nothing more than excuse to introduce fanservice over this IP and show pantsu to the audience. And
oh God, is there pantsu everywere.
To Heart: Remember My Memories Specials is essentially an excuse to show the main girls of the show's underwear presenting itself as a parody of Dragon Ball Z and other popular action and mecha animes of at time while also trying to get a laugh or two out of the audience. Going back to my first point. here, you will not see any coherent storyline beign followed yet you will see lots and lots of epic fights, their amount only surpassed by the amount of pantsu you will see in total :P
Have you ever wondered what color of underwear Akari and Shiho wear below their school uniforms? Did you know that Multi and Serio are both equipped with a white pantsu to wear at all times? And many other questions you probably will never ask because, unlike me, you are a well adjusted individual in society that doesn't spend his days writing deranged reviews for obscure anime specials that came out almost 20 years ago, hahaha.
On all seriousness, tho, To Heart: Remember My Memories Specials is a good anime that managed to get a laugh or two out of me and found mostly enjoyable. No episode last longer than 6 minutes so I would recommend it to anyone who has just finished Remember My Memories and has a little bit of free extra times to spare. Plus, this series also introduces Yuzuhara Konomi from the To Heart 2 spinnof and pretty much confirms both universes are linked in some sort of way. Just how cool is that, go give it a watch!
My only gripe, however, would be with the music. That while it is true that we saw a general worsenning of soundtracks from one season to another, I found the tracks composed specifically for these specials to be kinda bad. Hence, I rest this anime one point on the scoreboard.
Other than that, I would say its a great special that will make you laugh and you should give it a chance, go for it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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