Oct 29, 2023
Eating a bag of potato chips feels so good. But you know what feels better? Eating a bag of potato chips while watching some cute, white blobs hop around for 63 minutes straight! From what I know of Japanese, I guess Chii comes from Chiisaku or small and kawa comes from kawaii or cute. Basically a show about a small cute thing called Chiikawa.
Story: 7/10
The story is pure wholesomeness. This thing consists of two, or sometimes three blobs having fun. They do various activities and enjoy their life. They help each other and spread kindness. The sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and a tad stressful
daily life of "some sort of small, cute creature" known as Chiikawa is shown. Chiikawa enjoys delicious food with bees and rabbits, toils hard every day for the rewards of work, and still maintains a smile. Even though Chiikawa is an unidentified specie, deep down we should realize that we should strive to become a Chiikawa (mentally). That's called being a true sigma. Always keeping a smile, being kind, helping others, enjoying what life gives you, making someone's day. That's something to learn.
Animation: 8/10
Cute and vibrant animation, very fitting for this series.
Sound: 7/10
The blobs sound cute.
Character: 7/10
Chiikawa represents most of us. Willing to do a lot of things but being underconfident about itself. Having self-doubt and feeling that it isn't enough. But those missing things are provided by its best friend, Hachiware the cat. One homie always is there for the other. Theirs is an adorable duo. And Usagi is like the third friend in the group that randomly disappears and pops up like 3 months later. The three of them lead a simple and joyous life.
Enjoyment: 7/10
cute blobs.
Overall: 7/10
Good anime. Would return with a bag of potato chips once there are 63 more episodes. Watch this thing its lovely.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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