Jul 21, 2021
Yeah it isn’t great, this hentai started off so strong and brimming with so much quality but then the facade faded and all we’re left with in generic hentai goop. I watched this hentai because of a fucking meme but it should not have been as bad as it was, it was a legit slap in my goddamn face and I’m still angry about it. This is basically that clickbait YouTube video that actually starts off well but they try to fill in the last 10 minutes with filler so they can put in more bullshit ads. The main character becomes this unlikeable asshole and
the very sudden shift in personality is so jarring that it actually made me hate the guy. Maybe it’s my masochistic tendencies talking, but once the girls become actual dogs to his dick it was unwatchable because we watched our innocent, anxiety-filled underdog transform into the moustache-twirling, trustfundy, tournament arc villain who nobody roots for. This is truly the greatest instance of character assassination since Jesus.
Story : 4
The title roughly translates to “My brother has a really big thing. Wanna come see it?” which is pretty accurate as far as hentai titles go. Our MC-kun has such a massive dick that he has to fap with a fleshlight but his dick is so big that it literally rips the fleshlight apart so his sister thought it would be “le epic prank” to bring her friends over so they could tease him about his giant dick (which in reality as a sister, you must be pretty fucked in the head to wanna watch your 12 year old brother getting teased over his massive cock). This literally doesn’t make any sense because later on his sister gets all up in arms because one of her friends just starts fucking him so she clearly isn’t ok with it or is she? Anyway her other friend goes into the shower to fuck him as well and then his dick is so big that it is able to make these girls his sex slaves essentially. Afterwards his sister catches them in an orgy, so he proceeds to start fucking his sister around the house and he’s such an absolute GIGACHAD that after his sister gets fucked by a random dude he goes and fucks her to show her how its really done. The story just sorta unravels in structure from there and basically he just fucks all three girls in his personal harem.
Yeah this story actually started out kinda strong because of the slow pacing and ridiculous yet oddly disturbing scene of him breaking and mourning the death of his fleshlight. The tone was light and fun with our MC being constantly teased by the girls and just going along with whatever he said. Then he became a cocky asshole and that’s when you kinda fall out of love with the character as he gets such a big head over his big cock. The best analogy I can give is to imagine this is a shounen manga and you have your bumbling and untested MC like Deku or Naruto who are clear underdogs then you just turn them into a badly written isekai protagonist (think Choyoyu levels of dogshit) which disenchants you from the entire scenario and you’re basically watching the archetypical NTR chad fuck a bunch of girls. It just falls flat.
Art and Animation : 8
This is probably the greatest strength of the show. The actual art is much better than the cover art portrays with great lighting all around. The scenes are pretty dynamic and all the girls have a distinct look that fits their personality quite well, no animation cycling feels all too drawn out and it’s pretty solid all around where I can see people fully enjoying it.
Now personally, I’ve expressed this opinion over my many reviews that I hate this new style of hentai. Don’t get me wrong, this hentai does it better than most with reasonable proportions on the main girls but the glossy finish adds this odd artificiality that I just can’t get behind. Furthermore there’s the return of motion blur boobs which together give any hentai adopting this look the impression of a moving sex game ad on a dodgy porn site, but at least this show has some restraint and it comes out looking better than most
Characters : 6
I actually liked the main girls despite how much I despise the MC to my very core. Each girl fits their archetype and the voice actors do an excellent job portraying them which adds so much depth and life to the girls. With the gyaru character in Nagisa, Yukiko the dandere and I guess the “plain as white rice” Chiaki we have a very balanced ensemble cast of characters who fill in for the weaknesses that come from each of their character types. It’s actually such a shame that they devolve into sex-dogs who come at MC’s beck and call. I have the same issue with the sister where she literally just rolls over for him despite the strange and weird dynamic that was prevalent in episode 1 which slowly crumbles as the show progresses.
NTR Levels : 2
Oh yea, there’s some NTR but this show could be called baby’s first NTR because it introduces weeblets to the cuck culture I guess? I mean they barely mention it in the first episode, however MC-kun literally dicks down his sister fresh after some guy finished off so I guess that counts? It’s really not too prevalent but thought I’d bring it up.
Enjoyment : 5
All in all I don’t really have much to say about this show except that it’s watchable. There’s nothing too offensive about it, with a mediocre plot and forgettable characters it really isn’t enough to have good animation to stand out. I mean I think people will be drawn in by the ridiculous name, or like me through the memes, but they’ll be left sorely disappointed afterwards. It doesn’t suck and it starts off strong, that’s all I can say. What actually pisses me off is that it defiles what I hold in regard as a pure and wholesome tag known as “shota”. Literally every single shota manga I’ve read has been this soft and warm story complimented by light color tones and thin, wispy brush strokes. I did not need to see a little kid gain a god complex over his massive schlong and proceed to collect his sex harem. Fuck this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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