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Mizutama Honey Boy
In Otomen, Ryo is a skilled and spartan girl trained by his father who is a police officer. She can't cook or sew. She's strong, and handles well the danger.
Asuka on the other hand, is the captain of the kendo club, and he's really skilled in martial arts. But secretly, he sews stuffed animals, cooks delicious food, bakes cakes and cookies, and likes a lot of things considered girly.
Like Shiro does for Mei, he makes the lunch for Ryo, and he likes her strength. Like Mei, Ryo admires the things that Asuka can do, and she is unable to do.
Both stories involve a boy who has an interest in girly & cute things. Although both stories are pretty similar--boy with feminine interests falls for a girl who lacks feminine interest--but the story lines are different enough that one or the other is not a direct copy cat. Both are extremely enjoyable and I highly recommend both if you are interested in girly-boy stories.
Recommended by strawberrymilkie
They're both cute stories that involve a main male protagonist that is invested in activities that are often seen as feminine. The female protagonist is also invested in activities that are seen as masculine.
Both are really great reads and have wonderful main characters.