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Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san
Both MC get in trouble a lot with the ladies by a lot of mishap on falling on them and disrobing them by accident both are fun to read and I recommend both if your into harem scenarios
Recommended by AkatsukiUlquiora
- Both are Harem and borderline H
- it almost has no plot and is usually a filler and directed to fanservice
- random stuff happens (fanservice ftw)
- lucky pervert indeed
- Similar MC personality (always does his best for others)
Both romcom/harem/ecchi. Main difference is To love-ru is sci-fi while yuuna is supernatural but just change alien girls for yokai girls and you'll get lots of fanservice, some action scenes and even more fanservice. Also both MC have a tendency to trip and smoothly fall on female skirts.
Recommended by TheChainsawMan