If you liked
Beniiro Hero
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both have a main girl with two guys around her and the way their passion for the sport is really transmitted to the reader is similar
After reading Crimson Hero, I felt like Chihayafuru was based off it or heavily inspired by it.
- Very similar art style (no seriously, they are!)
- Main female lead are very similar in personality and looks. They're both passionate, hard working, un-girly and quite oblivious, one track minded
- One of the main males in Crimson Hero is exactly like Taichi from Chihayafuru and both suffer from "unrequited love" although it's ambiguous in Chihayafuru because it hasn't ended yet
- Love triangle also similar. Guy who liked her since childhood loves the main female, main female loves another guy who inspires her.
- Sports! They're executed in the same
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When I first read Beniiro Hero, I thought to myself, wow, have I read this kind of manga before? Then I realised it was the actual themes which brought me to attention that yes, it was indeed Chihayafuru.
Both these mangas involve a female main character, in whom aspires to be the best of her chosen sport. These themes have a general similarity to them, with each female having a striding "I will not give in!" personality. It adds to the character development, and enhances to make even small competitions really intense. You just can't stop reading!
Beniiro Hero and Chihayafuru both have a love triangle in
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