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Highschool of the Dead
If you like GANTZ you will love Highschool of the Dead (HOTD) as well. Both have a kick ass main character and tons of hot girls that somehow tie into the story plot. In GANTZ you follow a team of individuals as they are summoned on missions to kill off aliens, while given extremely powerful weapons. In HOTD you read as a group of high school students are forced to fend off zombies and fight for their lives, trying not to get bitten. As in GANTZ, HOTD is filled with blood and violence as the band of average individuals try desperately under circumstances they have
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Highschool of the Dead is akin to GANTZ in both premise and style. Both follow a group of characters in their quest to survive. Both also feature military asthetics, gore, and ecchi which result in action, horror, and fanservice respectively.
Recommended by radiantfire
If you liked the whole fighting random aliens and creatures with some weird but amazing plot twists then you might like to try looking at High School of The Dead. Kids fighting zombies that appear out of the blue (not yet mentioned where they have come from). There is but one downside of High School of the dead vs Gantz. No amazing suits that give you extreme strength.