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Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru
Similarities: Both have a dark plot with lots of mystery that is slowly uncovered. They both have female characters who are envious of others' appearance and have a strong desire to possess what they don't have through whatever means necessary.
Differences: Kasane has more supernatural tones and has a much deeper mystery that the manga explores. The MC in Kasane is driven by desire while the Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru is driven more by revenge.
“Perhaps I could make better use of this person’s life”. These two are soap opera dramas revolving around revenge caused by impersonation. The cast are all adults and the main protagonists are both girls. They share a similar tone and atmosphere, also focus a lot on emotional reactions and internal states of characters. The mystery elements lying in the background also contribute to building tension to a climax and culminate in a shocking plot twist at the end of both stories.