If you liked
Eyeshield 21
...then you might like
Kuroko no Basket
Somewhat similiar.
Both are somewhat "over-the-top" shonen sport animes with lots of special moves and special abilities.
Kuroko is somewhat more serious than ES21, but the main difference is that in Kuroko the main character starts out incredibly powerful.
If you liked Eyeshield 21, you will definitely appreciate the humor in Kuroko no Basuke.
Both feature light-hearted yet competitive atmospheres, and Kuroko no Basuke puts an interesting twist in the over-used (yet still so dear to my heart) weak-character-discovers-a-sport-and-becomes-a-star theme.
Instead of featuring a weak character who is struggling to find where he belongs, Kuroko no Basuke has a character who seems weak, but is actually very grounded and secure in his abilities and his future. In any case, his "weak" stature is actually his secret weapon in basketball. Kuroko's blank stares and invisible presence are also to die for.
The chapters in both of these
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Recommended by PixieFlytte
Both have same styles of humour and "shonen sports moves" - questionable moves and techniques that attract shonen fans but are mostly likely impossible to do in real life.
Both of them have a relatively similar storyline as well with the protagonist's team aiming for the top by defeating several incredibly strong opponents.